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Receipt Board

1 байт убрано, 11:47, 18 июля 2023
Pickup receipt
If the pickup was accepted from the sender without the mobile app:
# The courier arrives at the sender's location, fills out the delivery note slip and labels the shipments.
# If the shipment is multi-package, the courier will label each package with separate barcodes.
# There are two identical labels on the tape. The courier puts the first one on the box with the shipment. The second one is on the back of the delivery note. As a result, the courier has delivery notes with barcodes for the locations on the back and packages with the same labels.
# The courier takes pictures of the filled delivery notes slips and sends the pictures to the office via a mobile app.# Dispatcher in the office [[Functions#Recognize Scanned Delivery SheetSlip|fills in the card using the photos]]. If the dispatcher is finished before the courier arrives at the office, the shipment will go into the pickup plan.
# The operator scans the barcode on the back of the delivery note. If the barcode has not yet been scanned, the Plackage Entry window opens.
# The operator scans the delivery note barcodes and closes the package entry window.
