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API Documentation

2940 байт добавлено, 23 апрель
Response Examples
|style="text-align: center;"|[https://marketplace.cs-cart.com/measoft-en.html Download]
|Supports versions 4.10 and higher.
|style="height:100px; text-align: center;"|'''Webhook'''
|style="text-align: center;"|See [[Webhook|here]]
|Transfer of status and order info to your system
== Account for Integration ==
Use the following credentialsYou can access your client account at: <source lang=xml><auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth></source> Description:* Extra client '''extra''' — extra code. This is , a digital code, company`s unique identifier. Request this parameter from of the courier service you are integrating with. You can see this code in MeaSoft desktop interface by using its main menu * '''Referencelogin''' > — user name for the client account and API.* '''Additional Modulespass'''— password for the client account and API. Extra code is given in  Request the credentials from the second hyperlink (it is marked courier service you are integrating with an asterisk on the screenshot below): [[File:extra1.png|750px|none]]* LoginThe courier service gives you a temporary password. It is a user name for For security purposes, change it using your client account and API.  == Courier Service Access == To access API with courier service creates credentials, use the following connection string: <source lang=xml><auth extra="8" login in the client card on the ="login" pass="pass" clientcode="123"></auth></source> Description: * '''Otherextra''' tab in — extra code, a unique identifier of the courier service. * '''login'''User — couerier service user name.* '''pass''' field. You will probably have to create a new client card (shown on the screenshot below) in MeaSoft software— couerier service password.* Password. It is a password for '''clientcode''' — internal client account and API. Courier service creates password in code (see the client card on office application, the '''OtherClients''' tab , the "Internal code" column). To see the extra code, login and password, in the office application go to the '''PasswordAdditional Features''' fieldreference. For more information, see [[Courier_Service_Account#Registering Courier Service Account|Registering Courier Service Account]].
== General Terms ==
<package strbarcode="ORD0000001" mass="1" message="" quantity="3"></package>
<package strbarcode="ORD0000002" mass="2.5" message="" length="10" width="20" height="30"></package>
'''Fields Description'''
*'''neworder''' — root container, required.
:* '''''width''''' — package width in cm.
:* '''''height''''' — package height in cm.
:* '''''quantity''''' — number of packages with the specified dimensions and mass. Total number of packages in the order cannot be more than 1000.
* '''deliveryset''' — custom delivery rate setup. It has the following attributes:
=== Fields Description ===
 '''statusreq''' is a root container. Required. *'''auth'''  — authorization. Required. *'''client'''  — indicates whether it is a client or a delivery service partner. It is an optional element. Possible values: :* CLIENT — CLIENT — the default value.:* AGENT — AGENT — delivery service partner. Response contains information on the orders tendered for delivery. *'''orderno'''  — order number. It is an optional element.*'''ordercode'''  — internal order code. It is an optional element.*'''orderno2'''  — urgent order number. It is an optional element. *'''datefrom'''  — order creation date "from". It is an optional element. *'''dateto'''  — order creation date "'to". It is an optional element. *'''target'''  — a search text. You can specify a part of recipient company name or recipient address.*'''done'''  — possible values: :* ONLY_DONE — ONLY_DONE — delivered only. Success stauses like '''Delivered''', '''Partially delivered'''.:* ONLY_NOT_DONE — ONLY_NOT_DONE — undelivered only. Statuses like '''Not delivered''', '''Lost'''.:* ONLY_NEW — ONLY_NEW — new only.:*ONLY_DELIVERY — ONLY_DELIVERY — orders in process only. These are orders in any status except for final statuses '''Delivered''', '''Not delivered''', '''Canceled''' and the like.:* ''Empty''  — for all shipments.*'''changes'''  — can take only ONLY_LAST value. If this parameter is specified, all other parameters are ignored. For more information, see [[#Get Latest Changed Statuses|Get Latest Changed Statuses]].* '''conditions''' — specify search conditions. The nested elements are joined by the logical AND operator.:* '''namecontains''' — search order numbers (external codes) that contain the specified text.:* '''namestarts''' — search order numbers (external codes) that start with the specified text.
<div style="color: #a94442; background-color: #f2dede; border: 1px solid #ebccd1; padding: 3px 10px 10px;">
# You can request statuses of orders created no earlier than 2 months before the '''to''' date (<code>datefrom</code> and <code>dateto</code> containers). # If no date is provided, <code>dateto</code> equals the current date. # Omitting <code>dateto</code> defaults to <code>datefrom</code> plus two months.
# Omitting <code>datefrom</code> defaults to <code>dateto</code> minus two months.
# You can search using '''conditions''' only by order numbers (external codes). 4 characters is the minimum search length.
<arrival>2021-05-02 23:21</arrival>
<partner>Western Branch</partner>
<return_message>Delivered undamaged</return_message>
* '''arrival''' — scheduled delivery date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
* '''outstrbarcode''' — service partner system code (in an external system). It is used for integration with external systems.
* '''partner''' — current branch or service partner.
* '''return_message''' — return information.
* '''department''' — the order creator's department.
# If an order is being edited via API and in MeaSoft desktop application at the same time, only the changes made in the desktop applications are applied.
Planned courier might be canceled utomatically once an order is edited. It depends on the value set in '''References''' > '''Variables''' > '''Shipments''' > '''Automatically assign courier by area''':
* '''No''' — courier is not changed on editing orders via API.
* '''Area''' — courier is canceled on changing delivery address.
* '''Area or delivery date''' — courier is canceled on changing delivery address or delivery date.
=== Edit Request Fields ===
To show pickup points on the map, use the [https://home.courierexe.ru/js/measoft_map.js JavaScript module]. See help info in the file. See example [https://home.courierexe.ru/pvz_test.html here].
Unique pickup point requests are cached on the client account side and retained till 7 AM GMT+3 of the next day. For example, if a unique request with a mass of 2 kg was submitted today at 10 AM, tommorow at 7 AM it will be deleted. If you submit a mass of 2 kg in the same request today at 6 PM, you will get the same list of pickup points. If you submit a mass of 3 kg in the same request, you will probably get another list.
'''Request Example'''
<city>Sverdlovsk Oblast</city> <townregioncode="66" country="RU">Nizhniy Nizhny Tagil</town>
*'''code''' — internal code.
*'''client_code''' — courier service client code.
*'''city''' - recipint region. You can specify a region code or a full region name from the '''Regions''' reference.
*'''town''' — recipient location.
:For the <code>town</code> tag, you can speify the value from the '''Regions''' reference in the <code>regioncode</code> attribute. The specified region is searched for the town.
:In the <code>country</code> attribute, you can specify the recipient country according to the ISO 3166-1 standard. For example: "AT", "AUT" or "040" for Austria.
*'''parentcode''' — parent [[#Branches List|branch]].
*'''acceptcash''' — indicates whether cash on delivery is accepted. Possible values: '''YES''', '''NO'''.
<package mass="1" quantity="5"></package>
<package mass="2.5" length="10" width="20" height="30"></package>
<userid>123user123</userid> <groupid>456customer</groupid>
Parameters are the same as described in [[#Creating Order|Creating Order]].
'''Fields Description'''
<service name="Express">1</service>
<advprice code="4" price="100">Amount percent</advprice>
<advprice code="5" price="63">Declared value percent</advprice>
<advprice code="6" price="-50">Discount on delivery</advprice>
