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9810 байт добавлено, 15:16, 28 июля 2021
The list of order points of issue
=== Order Elements ===
*'''neworder''' is a root container, a mandatory elementrequired.
:*'''''newfolder''''' is an attribute of a new order, possible values: '''YES''', '''NO'''. If '''YES''', a new order is created for the specified shipment in the courier service system. It is an optional element.
*'''order''' is a container used for description of one order, a mandatory elementrequired. A single '''neworder''' container can have a number of '''order''' containers to create several orders by using one query.
:*'''''orderno''''' is an order number. It should be entered here if it is assigned by the client. In case it is not assigned, this field can be left empty. The system will generate its own number and send it back in the response. The system checks whether the specified number has been used within the current calendar year. If it already exists in the system, the order is not created, error 17 "Such number exists" returns.
* '''receiver''' is the information about the recipient. It is a mandatory containerRequired.
<source lang="xml">
=== Fields Description ===
'''statusreq''' is a root container. It is a mandatory elementRequired. *'''auth''' — authorization. It is a mandatory elementRequired.
*'''client''' — indicates whether it is a client or a delivery service partner. It is an optional element. Possible values:
:* CLIENT — the default value.
'''Query Fields'''
* '''auth''' — Authorization. It is a mandatory elementRequired.
*'''client''' — indicates whether it is a client or a delivery service partner. It is an optional element. Possible values:
:*'''CLIENT''' — the default value.
'''Status Request Order Cancelation Fields'''
'''cancelorder''' — root container. It is a mandatory elementRequired.* '''auth''' — authorization. It is a mandatory elementRequired.* '''order''' — container of the order being canceled. It is a mandatory elementRequired. The request can contain more than one '''order'''. It has the following attributes::* '''''orderno''''' — order numbercode. :* '''''ordercode''''' — internal order numbercode.Either '''''orderno''''' or '''''ordercode''''' is required.
'''Response Example'''
== Status change by agent Adding Files to Order ==
'''Request Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><addattachments> <auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" /> <orderno>1234567</orderno> <attachments> <item name="photo1.jpg">JVBERi0xLjMN1wb25lbnQgMQ JUBQREYwMTIzNDU2Nzg5IDI NMyAwIG9iag08PA0vVHlwZSA U3VidHlwZSAvSW1hZ2UNL1d pZHRoIDE4MDgNL0hlaWdodCA ggNCAwIFINL0JpdHNQZXJDb 21wb25lbnQgMQ0vRGVjb2RlU ENL0NvbHVtbnMgMTgwOA0+P g0vSW1hZ2VNYXNrIHRydWUNL XhEZWNvZGUNPj4Nc3RyZWFt DQ</item> <item name="photo2.jpg">VBERi0xLjMNAwIG9iag0HRoJ JUBQREYwMTIzNDU2Nzg5IDI NMyAwIG9iag08PA0vVHlwZSA vWE9iamVjdA0vU3VidHlwZS AvSW1hZ2UNL1dpZHRoIDEzNj gNL0hlaWdodCAxMzMzDS9MZ W5ndGggNCAwIFINL0JpdHNQZ XJDb21wb25lbnQgMQ0vRGVj b2RlUGFybXMgPDwNL0sgLTEN L0NvbHVtbnMgMTM2OA0+Pg0 vSW</item> </attachments></addattachments></source>  '''Fields Description''' '''addattachments''' — root container. Required.*'''auth''' — authorization. Required.*'''orderno''' — order number. Required. You can use tag <code>ordercode</code> to specify order internal code.*'''attachments''' — file data. Required.**'''item''' — base64 encoded binary file data. Required.***'''name''' — an '''item''' attribute that contains the file name. Required.  '''Response Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><addattachments> <attachments> <item name="photo1.jpg" error="0" errormsg="OK" /> <item name="photo2.jpg" error="0" errormsg="OK" /> </attachments></addattachments></source> == Getting Order Files == '''Request Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><attachments> <auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" /> <orderno>1234567</orderno></attachments></source> '''Fileds Description''' '''attachments''' — Root container. Required.*'''auth''' — authorization. Required.*'''orderno''' — order number or code. Required.  '''Response Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><attachments> <item name="doc1.docx" size="35654">JVBERi0xLjMN JUBQREYwMTIzNDU2Nzg5IDI NMyAwIG9iag08PA0vVHlwZSA U3VidHlwZSAvSW1hZ2UNL1d pZHRoIDE4MDgNL0hlaWdodCA ggNCAwIFINL0JpdHNQZXJDb 21wb25lbnQgMQ0vRGVjb2RlU ENL0NvbHVtbnMgMTgwOA0+P g0vSW1hZ2VNYXNrIHRydWUNL XhEZWNvZGUNPj4Nc3RyZWFt DQ</item> <item name="photo2.jpg" size="74861">VBERi0xLjMN JUBQREYwMTIzNDU2Nzg5IDI NMyAwIG9iag08PA0vVHlwZSA vWE9iamVjdA0vU3VidHlwZS AvSW1hZ2UNL1dpZHRoIDEzNj gNL0hlaWdodCAxMzMzDS9MZ W5ndGggNCAwIFINL0JpdHNQZ XJDb21wb25lbnQgMQ0vRGVj b2RlUGFybXMgPDwNL0sgLTEN L0NvbHVtbnMgMTM2OA0+Pg0 vSW</item></attachments></source> The <code>item</code> tag contains base 64 encoded binary data (files). == Changing Status by Service Partner == Order status change status query request allows finding out to get the final status of the order - "— either '''Delivered" ''' or "'''Not delivered (ReturnReturned/CancellationCanceled)'''."
Besides that, the request gets date and time (in necessary) of status change as well as a type of , if necessary, and the '''Delivery info''' field message in "Information on delivery" field are set.
If necessary, You can attach images can be attached to the order information.
'''The example of a status change requestRequest Example:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
<order ordercode="123456" date> <message>Accepted by Tailor</message> <outstrbarcode>7654312</outstrbarcode> </order> <order ordercode="2018234567"> <status>PICKUPREADY</status> <eventtime>2021-0305-0130 10:20:00</eventtime> <message>Client refused the order</message> <paytype>CASH</paytype> <items> <item code=" time34533" quantity="10:001" messagereason="The customer has refused from the purchase0"/> <order ordercodeitem code="34456" quantity="0" reason="2345670" date/> <item code="2018-03-0134421" timequantity="10:002" messagereason="0"/> </items> <image filename="filename1.jpg">/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD4AAQSkZJRgA BAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAA0JCgsKCA0LCgsODg0PEyAVExISEy2wBDAA0JCg sKCA0LCgsODg0PEyAVExISEy ccHhcgLikxMC4pLSwzOko+MzZGNywtQFdBRkxOUlNSMj5aYVpQYEpRUkM zZGNywtQFdBRkxOUlNSMj5aY VpQYEpRUk//2wBDAQ4ODhMREyYVFSZPNS01T09PT09PT09P2wBDAQ4ODhMR EyYVFSZPNS01T09PT09PT09P T09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 T09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0PT09PT0//wAARCAYACAADASIAwAARCAYACAADAS IA</image>
'''The description of status response fields:Fields Description'''
'''setorderinfo''' is a root container. It is a mandatory elementRequired. *'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory elementRequired. *'''order''' is order container. It is a mandatory elementRequired. A query may request can contain more than one '''order''' container. It has the following attributesattribute: :* '''''ordercode''''' is an internal order code of an .*'''status''' — new orderstatus. It can be any [[#Response Fields|status]] excepting AWAITING_SYNC and NEW.:* '''eventtime'''— status change dateand time. Required if status is specified. *'''message'' ' — delivery info text. *'''outstrbarcode''' — code in service partner system (order code in external system). It is status change dateused in integrations with external systems.*'''paytype''' — order payment type. Possible values are '''CASH''' and '''CARD'''.*'''items''' — container that describes order items. It has the following attributes::* '''''code''''' — item code.:* '''''quantity''''' — quantity of delivered articles. :* '''''timereason''''' — reason for non-delivery. It is selected from the status change timelist.*'''image''' — container for the image being attached. It contains base 64 encoded image file text. The '''order''' container can contain more than one '''image''' container. It has the following attribute: :* '''''messagefilename''''' is message text— file name.
*'''image''' is an attached image container. It contains image file text coded according to ''base64'' standard. '''order''' container may contain more than one '''image''' container. It has the following attribute: :* '''''filename''''' is a file name.'''The example of a response:Response Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<order ordercode="123456" error="0" errormsg="OK" errormsgru="Successfully" /> <order ordercode="234567" error="59" errormsg="value [date_put] is already set" errormsgru="The value [Date of delivery] is already set" />
== Obtaining the pdf waybill Getting Documents for Printing ==
'''Get Print Forms Request example:Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
<orders> <order orderno="1234567" ordercode="33331" /> <order orderno="1234568" ordercode="33332" />1234567 </ordernoorders>
'''The fields description:Fields Description'''
'''waybill''' - is a root container. It is a mandatory elementRequired. *'''auth''' - is authorization. Required.*'''orders''' — list of orders to get print forms for. It is a mandatory elementcontains tags '''order''' with the following attributes:** '''''orderno''''' — order code. ** '''''ordercode''orderno''' - Order number— internal order code. It *: Specify either of the attributes for all the orders. The '''''ordercode''''' attribute is a mandatory elementrecommended. *'''form''' - Form type— packing slip format. Is not mandatoryOptional. Can bePossible values::* '''1 - A ''' — detailed waybillpacking slip. Default value.:* '''2 - Sticker (''' — Zebra)label.:* '''3''' — A4 size label.:* '''4''' — delivery and acceptance certificate.
'''Response example:Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Note that print forms are not created for pickups.
The '''''content''''' tag contains pdf binary, base64 encoded. == Cancellation of order == Cancel request is intended to be used for cancellation of those orders about which no changes have been made - like delivery status, correspondence status and delivery time - in other words, those orders which are not being processed.  In case of order cancellation “Delivery information” field gets the value “Cancelled by the customer” and “Delivery date” field gets a current datebinary data (PDF file).
== City Names List ==
'''The example of a query for order cancellation:'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><cancelorder> <auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" /> <order orderno="" ordercode="123456" /> <order orderno="123aaa" ordercode="" /></cancelorder></source>  '''The description of status query fields:''' '''cancelorder''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element. *'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.*'''order''' is a cancelled order container. It is a mandatory element. A query may contain more than one '''order''' container. It has the following attributes::* '''''orderno''''' is order`s cipher. :* '''''ordercode''''' is an internal code of the order. Please, note that at least one of ''orderno'' or ''ordercode'' attributes should be specified!   '''The example of a response:'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><cancelorder> <order orderno="123test" ordercode="123456" error="0" errormsg="OK" errormsgru="Successfully" /> <order orderno="123aaa" ordercode="" error="52" errormsg="order not found" errormsgru="The order is not found" /></cancelorder></source> == City names list == '''The example of the city names list query:List Request Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
All elements inside The <code>townlist </code> container can either be absent empty or combineelements. The search is not case-sensitiveinsensitive. *'''auth''' — authorisation, optional. Use it if the courier service set and enabled some location restrictions. *'''codesearch''' is a search by codes. In case when When it is used, the <code>conditions </code> and <code>limit </code> containers will be are ignored. :* '''zipcode''' is a search by zip postal codes. Please, note Note that one zip postal code can be applicable to several more than one localities. In this case the system will return MeaSoft returns several records.:* '''kladrcode''' is a search by 13-digit codes code of All-Russian Classifier of Addresses.:* '''fiascode''' is a search by codes the code of Federal Information Address System (Address address system used in Russia) (AOIDAOGUID).:* '''code''' is a search by codes of the systemcode.
*'''conditions''' specifies search criteria. All enclose nested elements simultaneously impose “AND” the AND condition. :* '''city''' is a search by for all the localities of a region. :* '''namecontains''' is a search of for the localities which with names contain a specified including the search text. :* '''namestarts''' is a search of for the localities which with names start from a specified starting with the search text.:* '''name''' is a search of for the localities which with names match a specified matching the search text.:* '''fullname''' is a search of for the localities which with names and type match a specified matching the search text. :* '''country''' is a search of in the country with a the specified zip codeonly.
*'''limit''' limits result output. :* '''limitfrom''' specifies — defines the search result record number of a search result starting to start output with which a response should be given. It equals The default value is '''0 by default'''. :* '''limitcount''' specifies — defines the number quantity of search result records which should be returnedto show. It equals The default value is '''10000 by default'''.:* '''countall''' - — if '''YES indicates ''', the necessity of counting the amount total quantity of found matches foundis counted. It may might slow down the process of query request execution. In case it is If disabled, <code>totalcount </code> and <code>totalpages values won`t be indicated </code> are missing in the response.
'''The example of a response:Response Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Krasnodar TerritoryKrai</name>
<name>Sochi city</name>
<shortnamefiascode>79da737a-603b-4c19-9b54-9114c96fb912</fiascode> <kladrcode>Sochi2300000700000</kladrcode> <shortname/> (not yet supported) <typename>city</typename> (not yet supported) <coords lat="43.5855" lon="39.7231" />
<name>Bryanskaya oblastBryansk District</name>
<name>Sochilov farmsteadkhutor</name> <shortnamefiascode>c9c96c67-2cc9-4f10-afde-fd32417ea216</fiascode> <kladrcode>Sochilov3201900011100</kladrcode> <shortname/> <typename/>farmstead <coords lat="52.6407" lon="33.1724" /typename>
<name>Pskov oblastDistrict</name>
<name>Sochikhino village</name>
<shortnamefiascode>10df7588-19c1-49d1-a387-9de1cf3eb26f</fiascode> <kladrcode>Sochikhino6001900015400</kladrcode> <shortname/> <typename/>village <coords lat="56.6003" lon="29.3542" /typename>
In a the response , the cities and towns are sorted arranged by their popularity, importance (district centers, etc.) and only after that - alphabeticallythen by alphabet.
== Region names list Names List ==
'''The example of the region names list query:Request Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fullname>Moscow regionOblast</fullname>
'''The example of a response:Response Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Agin-Buryat Autonomous AreaOkrug</name>
== Street names guide Names List ==
'''The example of the city names list query:Request Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<town>Moscow city</town> // MANDATORY REQUIRED FIELD!
<namestarts>Academician K</namestarts>
*'''conditions''' specifies search criteria. All enclose nested elements simultaneously impose “AND” the AND condition.:* '''town''' is a mandatory — required field. It`s is the name or the code of a locality.:* '''namecontains''' is a search of for the localities which streets with names contain a specified including the search text.:* '''namestarts''' is a search of for the localities which streets with names start from a specified starting with the search text.:* '''name''' is a search of for the localities which streets with names match a specified matching the search text.:* '''fullname''' is a search of for the localities which streets with names and type match a specified matching the search text.
*'''limit''' limits result output.
:* '''limitfrom''' specifies — defines the search result record number of a search result starting to start output with which a response should be given. It equals The default value is '''0 by default'''. :* '''limitcount''' specifies — defines the number quantity of search result records which should be returnedto show. It equals The default value is '''10000 by default'''.:* '''countall''' - — if '''YES indicates ''', the necessity of counting the amount total quantity of found matches foundis counted. It may might slow down the process of query request execution. In case it is If disabled, <code>totalcount </code> and <code>totalpages values won`t be indicated </code> are missing in the response.
'''The example of a response:Response Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
In a the response , the street names of the streets are sorted in alphabetical orderarranged alphabetically.
== Nomenclature list List of Goods ==
'''The example of the nomenclature list query:Request Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<namecontains>TV set</namecontains>
<name>Sony KDL-55W905 LCD televisionTV</name>
All elements inside itemlist The <code>townlist</code> container can either be absent empty or combineelements. The search is not case-sensitiveinsensitive. *'''codesearch''' is a search by codes. In case when When it is used, the <code>conditions </code> and <code>limit </code> containers will be are ignored.:* '''code''' is a search by codes of the internal systemcode.:* '''article''' is a search by article numbersSKU ID. :* '''barcode''' is a — search by barcode.  *'''conditions''' — specifies search criteria. All nested elements simultaneously impose the AND condition.:* '''namecontains''' — search for the goods with names containing the search text.:* '''namestarts''' — search for the goods with names starting from the search text.:* '''name''' — search for the goods with names matching the search text.:* '''quantity''' — availability of goods in the warehouse. Sometimes, the field may be unavailable. Possible values:*** '''EXISTING_ONLY''' — only in stock.*** '''NOT_EXISTING_ONLY''' — only out of stock.*** '''ALL''' — all. :* '''store''' — search by barcodesthe specified warehouse.
*'''conditionsexcept''' specifies search criteria. All enclose elements simultaneously impose “AND” condition.:* '''namecontains''' is a search — exception description for correct counting of the goods which names contain a specified textreserved items.:* '''namestartscode''' is a search of the goods which names start from a specified text— order code.:* '''name''' is a search of the goods which names match a specified text.:* '''quantity''' is the availability of goods at the warehouse. It can have the following values: EXISTING_ONLY - only in stock, NOT_EXISTING_ONLY - only stock out, ALL - all. ''In some setups this field may be unavailable.''
*'''limit''' limits result output.:* '''limitfrom''' specifies — defines the search result record number of a search result starting to start output with which a response should be given.:* '''limitcount''' specifies — defines the number quantity of search result records which should be returnedto show.
'''The example of a response:Response Example'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Sony KDL-55W905 LCD televisionTV</name>
<CountryOfOrigin>Malaysia</CountryOfOrigin> (not yet supported)
<Message>A good TV set</Message> <Message2>Another good TV set</Message2>
'''The description of fields:Fields Description'''*'''code''' is an internal identifier assigned by the system. *'''article''' is an article assigned by a customer (a supplier)SKU ID. *'''barcode''' — manufacturer barcode. *'''name''' — item name. *'''retprice''' — default retail price. When creating the order, the price specified in the order is used.*'''purchprice''' — purchase price.*'''weight''' — weight in kilograms. *'''length''' — length in centimeters. *'''width''' — width in centimeters. *'''height''' — height in centimeters.*'''VATrate''' — value-added tax rate, integer.*'''CountInPallet''' — number of pieces in a manufacturer`s barcodepallet. *'''HasSerials''' — indicates whether serial numbers tracking is used. Possible values: '''1''' — Yes, '''0''' — No. *'''CountryOfOrigin''' — name of the country of origin. *'''Message''' — comment. *'''Message2''' — additional comment. *'''quantity''' — quantity in stock. Goods picked up for orders are not included in this number, they are considered to be shipped. ''This field may be unavailable in some setups.''*'''reserved''' — quantity of goods reserved. It may outnumber the stock balance if customers are waiting for the next delivery. ''This field may be unavailable in some setups. ''
*'''name''' is an item name. == Goods Item Movement ==
*'''retpriceRequest Example''' is a retail price value by default. When ordering the price which is mentioned in the order is used<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><itemmovements> <auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth> <code>4259</code> <datefrom>2020-10-01</datefrom> <dateto>2020-10-02</dateto></itemmovements></source>
*'''weightcode''' is weight — internal item code in kilogramsthe list of goods. *'''lengthdatefrom''' is length in centimeters— period start date.*'''dateto''' — period end date.You can specify either code or period, or both code and period.
*'''width''' is width in centimeters.
'''Response Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><itemmovements count="16"> <itemmovement> <code>151500</code> <date>2020-10-01</date> <retprice>0</retprice> <quantity>1</quantity> <delivered>0</delivered> <item> <code>4259</code> <name>Jenga Classic Game</name> </item> <status> <code>5</code> <name>Return from customer</name> </status> <store> <code>1</code> <name>Moscow office</name> </store> <order> <ordercode>3374830</ordercode> <number>123660-0</number> <date>2020-10-01</date> <orderno>14123</orderno> <barcode>0000000670</barcode> <company>All Games</company> <address>Thompson str., 88</address> <delivereddate>2020-05-29</delivereddate> <deliveredtime>12:00:00</deliveredtime> <deliveredto /> </order> <document> <code>21991</code> <number>318</number> <date>2020-05-26</date> <message></message> </document> </itemmovements></itemlist></source> '''Fields Description'''*'''code''' — goods movement internal transaction code.*'''heightdate''' is height — transaction date.*'''retprice''' — item price.*'''quantity''' — item quantity in centimetersthe movement transaction.*'''delivered''' — quantity of delivered items. *'''item''' — goods item container.:* '''code''' — item internal code.:* '''name''' — item name. *'''status''' — transaction status container.:* '''code''' — status code.:* '''name''' — name.
*'''CountInPalletstore''' is — container for the number of pieces in a palletbranch that performs the transaction.:* '''code''' — branch code.:* '''name''' — branch name.
*'''HasSerialsorder''' requires serial numbers accounting— shipment container. It takes on the following values: 1 - yes, 0 * '''ordercode''' — internal order code.:* '''number''' — order number.:* '''date''' — order date.:* '''orderno''' — order code.:* '''barcode''' — barcode.:* '''company''' — company.:* '''address''' — address.:* '''delivereddate''' — date delivered.:* '''deliveredtime''' — time delivered.:* '''deliveredto''' — delivery info or reason for non- nodelivery.
*'''CountryOfOrigindocument''' is the name of a country of origin in Russian— transaction document container. :*'''Messagecode''' is a commentary— internal document code.:* '''number''' — document number.:* '''extnumber''' — external document number.:* '''date''' — document date.:* '''message''' — comment.
*'''Message2''' is an additional commentary. == Getting Shipping Rates for Towns and Cities ==
'''Request Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><tariffs> <auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" /> <townfrom>Moscow</townfrom> <service>1</service> <mainonly>1</mainonly> </tariffs></source> *'''auth''' — the '''extra''' attribute is required, it is used to determine the courier service company.*'''quantitytownfrom''' — sender town or city. If it is not passed, the default value is '''Moscow'''.*'''service''' — delivery mode. Required.*'''mainonly''' — optional. If passed, the response contains data from the '''Inter-city''' > '''Zones''' table only.  '''Response Example'''<source lang="json">{ "townfrom": "0c5b2444-70a0-4932-980c-b4dc0d3f02b5", "service": 1, "tariffs": [ { "towntofias": "7339e834-2cb4-4734-a4c7-1fca2c66e562", "towntocode": "482", "towntoname": "Ufa city", "pricesnew": { "before": [ { "price": "100", "every": "0", "mass": "1" }, { "price": "200", "every": "1", "mass": "2" } ], "after": [ { "price": "300", "every": "1", "mass": "3" } ] }, "prices": { "before": { "mass": "3", "price": "202.5" }, "after": { "mass": "3", "every": "1", "price": "18.75" } }, "deliveryPeriodMin": 4, "deliveryPeriodMax": 5 } ]}</source> '''Fields Description'''* '''townfrom''' — sender locality [[#City Names List|AOGUID]] (Federal Information Address System) code.* '''service''' — delivery mode.*'''tariffs''' — shipping rates list for the locality.:* '''towntofias''' — recipient locality AOGUID code.:* '''towntocode''' — recipient locality internal code.:* '''towntoname''' — recipient locality name.:* '''pricesnew''' — your shipping rates from the '''Inter-city''' > '''Rates by Zones''' table.::* '''price''' — price.::* '''every''' — for every specified number of goods pieces.::* '''mass''' — weight.:* '''prices''' — obsolete, do not use.:* '''deliveryPeriodMin''' — minimum number of days in stocktransit. Those goods that have already been batched into orders are not included :* '''deliveryPeriodMax''' — maximum number of days in this transit. == Receipt Items == '''Request Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><itemdoc> <auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth> <code>21991</code></itemdoc></source> *'''code''' — internal receipt document code.  '''Response Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><itemdoc> <code>21991</code> <number>318</number> <date>2021-05-26</date> <message></message> <items> <item code="4259" quantity="1" barcode="200300" article="123555">Jenga Classic Game</item> </items></itemdoc></source> '''Fields Description'''* '''code''' — internal receipt code.* '''number''' — document number and considered .* '''date''' — document date.* '''message''' — comment. *'''item''' — goods item container.:* '''code''' — internal item code.:* '''barcode''' — item barcode.:* '''article''' — item SKU ID.:* '''quantity''' — quantity of received items. == Branches List == '''Request Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><storelist> <auth extra="8"></auth> <json>YES</json> <client_code>7890</client_code></storelist></source> *'''auth''' — the '''extra''' attribute is required, it is used to depart determine the depository for goodscourier service company. *'''json'''This field may be unavailable — indicates whether response is in some setupsJSON format.Possible values are '''YES''', '''NO'''.*'''client_code''' — courier service client code. '''Response Example'''<source lang="xml"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><storelist count="2"> <store> <code>123</code> <name>ABC</name> </store> <store> <code>456</code> <name>Branch 2</name> </store></storelist></source>
*'''reservedcode''' is the number of goods reserved. It may outnumber stock balance if customers are waiting for the next delivery— branch code. *'''name'This field may be unavailable in some setups.'' — branch name.
== The list of order points of issue ==
'''smalist''' is a root container. It is a mandatory elementRequired. *'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory elementRequired. *'''datefrom''' is a date “from”. It is an optional elementOptional. *'''dateto''' is a date “to”. It is an optional elementOptional.
If the date range is not specified, then money transfer certificates for the last month are returned.
'''smadetail''' is a root container. It is a mandatory elementRequired. *'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory elementRequired.*'''code''' is a code of a money transfer certificate (See the query of the list of money transfer certificates). It is a mandatory elementRequired.
'''The example of a response to the query of money transfer certificates:'''
'''shortlink''' is a root container. It is a mandatory elementRequired.*'''link''' is a full link for generation of which a code should be obtained. It is a mandatory elementRequired. If '''short''' attribute equals 1, then a response won`t contain XML but only a hash code.
'''The example of a response to the query for short links generation:'''
