Новая страница: «“Delivery Service 2008” system has an option of integration by means of XML API under HTTP POST protocol. The given API is designed for integrating customers…»
“Delivery Service 2008” system has an option of integration by means of XML API under HTTP POST protocol.
The given API is designed for integrating customers (online shops and other companies ordering delivery) with delivery services working under the control of “Delivery Service 2008” system. If you are an aggregator transferring customer data, you will probably have to log in using different user accounts in case a delivery service has to keep separate accounts for reciprocal payments for each customer. If you are a “contractor”, the integration should be done in the opposite direction – orders will be transferred to you from a delivery service. For that purpose we have a platform for external integration but contractors can be added to it only on our side. Please, send us your quote, the description of your service and we will gladly consider them.
When writing the given documentation we`ve been assuming that a person reading it has the required level of expertise in programming sufficient for the understanding of the contents of this documentation, has a knowledge of XML and development environment which he is integrating. If you are not qualified as a programmer you will have to hire a professional programmer for the implementation of your project.
If you still have questions after reading the given documentation, feel free to ask them via e-mail [mailto:support@courierexe.ru support@courierexe.ru]. In your e-mail message you should introduce yourself, leave your contact information (your phone number, Skype login) and the name of the company that you want to integrate with.
== Complete integrations ==
You can download integration modules to integrate with popular CMS
{| class="wikitable" align="center" style="width: 80%; margin: auto; color: black; boreder: 1px solid #999999;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"
!style="width: 35%;"| Content Management System (CMS)
!style="width: 15%;"|Module version
!style="width: 15%;"|Link
!style="width: 35%;"|Note
|style="text-align: center;"|1.5.8 от 13.11.2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://courierexe.ru/download/api/bitrix.zip Download Unicode]<br>[http://courierexe.ru/download/api/bitrix_ansi.zip Download ANSI]
|Supports version 14.5 and newer ones
|style="text-align: center;"|1.4.2 dated from September 6, 2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://courierexe.ru/download/api/prestashop.zip Download]
|Supports version and newer ones (including 2.x!)
|[[File:opencart.png|center|x44px]] [[Файл:ocstore.png|center|x30px]]
|style="text-align: center;"|1.7.2 от 06.09.2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://courierexe.ru/download/api/opencart.zip Download]
| Supports versions from till 2.2.<br>
[https://opencartforum.com/files/file/2906-avtomatizaciya-otpravki-i-otslezhivanie-dostavok-courierexe-dlya-opencart-15x/ Third-party alternative module]
|style="text-align: center;"|1.3.2 от 15.08.2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://www.webasyst.ru/store/plugin/shop/measoftcourier/ Install]
|style="text-align: center;"|1.2.1 от 06.09.2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://www.insales.ru/collection/all/product/kurierskaya-sluzhba-2008 Install]
|[[Integration_with_other_systems#Insales|is set up]] in user area in the system
|style="text-align: center;"|1.0 dated from November 15, 2016
|style="text-align: center;"|[[Файл:Leadvertex-howto.png|center|x44px]]
|[http://blog.leadvertex.ru/news/2110-integraciya-s-kurerkami-na-platforme-measoft/ is set up] in user area in the system [https://Leadvertex.ru Leadvertex]
|style="text-align: center;"|1.0 dated from January 1, 2018
|style="text-align: center;"|[https://www.retailcrm.ru/ RetailCRM]
|[[Integration_with_other_systems#RetailCRM|is set up]] in user area in the system
The given modules are shared for free without any guarantee on the part of the developer. Their availability should be considered not as a means of complete automation of your interaction with the delivery service but more as an aid for online shop developers in building integration with delivery services. However, we will appreciate if you inform us about your needs and/or discrepancies found in our modules – this allows us to consider your demands when developing new versions of our modules.
== Test account ==
For debugging you can access your test personal account following the link: [https://home.courierexe.ru/8 https://home.courierexe.ru/8], your login will be: test, your password will be: testm. There you will be able to see all your requests with the “eyes” of our system by using “Automation” tab. You will also find a query execution interface there. You will see all created orders on “Tracking” tab.
In order to simplify the process of integration, you can download [http://courierexe.ru/download/api/php_sample.zip the example of addressing the service using PHP].
== Work account for the connection to your customer`s platform ==
It is necessary to have 3 parameters in order to connect to your customer`s platform:
1. '''Parameter extra''' (this is a digital code, company`s unique identifier. Request this parameter from a company that you are integrating with.) You can look this code up in “Delivery Service 2008” software interface by using its main menu '''"Reference – Additional Options"'''. Digital value will be given at the second hyperlink (it is marked with an “asterisk” in the screenshot below):
2. '''Login''' is a user account parameter for customer`s member area and API that is entered in user card on '''"Miscellaneous"''' in '''"User Name"''' field. You will probably have to create a new user card (shown in the screenshot below) in “Delivery Service 2008” software.
3. '''Password''' is a user account parameter for customer`s member area and API that is entered in user card on '''"Miscellaneous"''' in '''" Password"''' field (shown in the screenshot below).
== General terms ==
There is a web service on the side of the delivery service located at the following URL: https://home.courierexe.ru/api/. Test authorization data are: user login: test, user password: testm, “extra” parameter value: 8. Please, note that the test platform is common for everyone. You shouldn`t pass on orders containing confidential data through it as they might be seen by other users of the service.
Ask the company that you are integrating with for user “login”, “password” and “extra” parameter value in order to use the integration in the work mode.
You can send test queries to our service in the member area using “Automation” tab. You can also check the history of all queries sent by you in the member area.
A customer is sending queries to the service by using HTTP POST, the service is processing these queries and sending the execution result back. All queries and responses are transferred in XML format.
The encoding used is UTF-8. Dot sign is used as a decimal symbol. Dates are presented in YYYY-MM-DD format and time is presented in HH:MM format.
Due to [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML#.D0.A0.D0.B5.D1.88.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B1.D0.BB.D0.B5.D0.BC.D1.8B_.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.BE.D0.B4.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B7.D0.BD.D0.B0.D1.87.D0.BD.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B8_.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B7.D0.BC.D0.B5.D1.82.D0.BA.D0.B8 the peculiarities of XML extensible markup language], some symbols in the text should be replaced: & from &amp; < to &lt; > from &gt; " to &quot;
== Limitations ==
With the aim of protecting service from its improper use query limitation equal to 1500 queries from one IP-address for 20-minute period has been introduced since May 29, 2017. In case the above-mentioned limit is reached, the IP-address will be blocked; unblocking of the IP-address is possible by addressing the technical support service with the subsequent discussion of your algorithms and their correction.
The best option for checking your orders` status is using "statusreq" queries with changes=ONLY_LAST parameter. You shouldn`t try to “attack” our API with queries containing numbers of all your orders, especially, with "tracking" queries – they are not intended to be used for this (see their description).
== Ordering ==
=== Example of ordering ===
<source lang=xml>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<neworder newfolder="NO">
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
<order orderno="111111">
<company>Ministry of Internal Affairs</company>
<person>I. I. Ivanov</person>
<address>Room 35, 38 Petrovka Str.</address>
<date>March 22, 2014</date>
<company>Ministry of Internal Affairs</company>
<person>Cheap & Dale</person>
<address>Room 35, 38 Petrovka Str.</address>
<enclosure>Children`s toys</enclosure>
<instruction>Check in the presence of the buyer, sign acceptance act</instruction>
<item extcode="abc123" quantity="1" mass="0.2" retprice="37.5" VATrate="0" barcode="2345625213125" article="1">Ball</item>
<item extcode="abc124" quantity="2" mass="2" retprice="100" VATrate="10" barcode="4645625213138" article="2">Hula hoop</item>
<item extcode="abc125" quantity="3" mass="0.3" retprice="50" barcode="2345625213126" article="3">Yellow rattle</item>
=== Order elements description ===
*'''neworder''' is a root container, the mandatory element.
:* '''''newfolder''''' is an attribute of a new order – YES/NO. If there is YES, then a new order will be created for the given correspondence in the delivery service system. It is an optional element.
*'''order''' is a container used for the description of one order, the mandatory element. There may be a number of '''order''' containers in one '''neworder''' container for the creation of several orders by using one query.
:* '''''orderno''''' is an order number. It should be entered here if it is assigned by the customer. In case it is not assigned, this field can be left empty; the system will generate its own number and send it back in the response. The system checks the presence of orders with the entered number within the current calendar year and in case they already exist in the system, the order won`t be created and error 17 "Such number exists" will be send back in the response.
*'''barcode''' is an order barcode. In case the customer uses barcodes for his dispatches and the barcode is different from the order number, the barcode is entered into this field. In case there are several pieces packages present that are individually marked, masks in the form of underscore characters indicating barcode items, varying for different pieces packages within one order can be used. <br />
''For example'': There are 20 product units in order no. 123 packed in 3 pieces packages. The customer has to prepare 3 barcodes for each piece: CLNT0012301, CLNT0012302, CLNT0012303, where CLNT – is a customer`s prefix, 00123 is an order number, 01-03 is the number for each piece package in the order. CLNT00123__ should be entered into the “barcode” field (the system will understand that there may be any last 2 symbols in the field and will display barcodes for the same order).
*'''sender''' presents the information about order sender. It is an optional container.
<source lang="xml">
<company>Name of the sender company</company>
<person>Sender company contact person</person>
<phone>Sender`s phone number, E-mail</phone>
<town>Sender`s location in “Moscow city” format</town>
<address>Sender`s address</address>
<date>Pick-up date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format</date>
<time_min>Desired pick-up time in "HH:MM" format</time_min>
<time_max>Desired pick-up time in "HH:MM" format</time_max>
*'''receiver''' is the information about the receiver. It is a mandatory container.
<source lang="xml">
<company>Name of the receiving company</company>
<person>Receiving company contact person</person>
<phone>Receiver`s phone number, E-mail</phone>
<town>Receiver`s location in “Moscow city” format</town>
<address>Receiver`s address</address>
<date>Delivery date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format</date>
<time_min>Desired delivery time in "HH:MM" format</time_min>
<time_max>Desired delivery time in "HH:MM" format</time_max>
*'''company''' is a receiving company.
*'''person''' is a contact person. ''At least one field should be filled in – either company or person!''
*'''phone''' is a phone number. Several phone numbers and emails can be entered into this field.
*'''town''' is the name of the town.
''Town''' field of '''sender''' and '''receiver''' containers can be filled in by using:
:* locality dialing code [[#Dialing codes guide|dialing codes guide]]
:* 13-digit code from All-Russian Classifier of Addresses (Address Classifier used in Russia)
:* 36-digit code from the address system <rspoiler text="Federal Information Address System">Federal Information Address System (Address system used in Russia)</rspoiler> (AOID)
:* the name of the town (not recommended!)
*'''paytype''' is a type of payment used for checking out the order by the receiver. It can take on the following values:
:* CASH is paying with cash on delivery (by default)
:* CARD is paying with a credit card on delivery
:* NO which means that there won`t be any payment. “Price” field value will be ignored. (This type of payment is transferred in case the order has already been paid for and doesn`t require cash collection; API will add goods from the order with a null price to the system. If it is necessary to transfer order total cost, it can be done by using <inshprice> field, indicating order items` declared value)
:* OTHER means other types of payment (It is designated for making payments directly to the delivery service by using other types of payment as: “Webmoney”, “Yandex Money”, online payment with a credit card other payment systems, etc.)
:* OPTION means choosing type of payment by the receiver. This type of payment can’t be transferred with the order. It is automatically set depending on customer`s data setup.
*'''zipcode''' is a zip code.
*'''weight''' is a total weight of the order in kilograms.
*'''quantity''' is the number of pieces packages.
*'''service''' - delivery mode (service type) is transferred in the form of a code from “Delivery priority types” guide.
*'''type''' – correspondence (dispatch) type is transferred in the form of a code from “Types of correspondence” guide.
*'''price''' is an order amount. In case “items” container is present, the value of the given parameter will be ignored and calculated automatically.
*'''deliveryprice''' is the cost of delivery. In case “items” container is present, “Delivery” enclosure will be added to it.
*'''discount''' is a discount for the order amount. As a result the order amount will be decreased by the discount amount.
*'''return''' is an attribute indicating the necessity of return.
*'''return_service''' is a return mode (type of service) which is transferred in the form of a code from “Delivery priority types” guide.
*'''enclosure''' is an enclosure.
*'''inshprice''' is a declared value.
*'''instruction''' is an instruction – a note.
*'''pvz''' is a pick-up point code. You can find out pick-up point codes on request or in user`s member area on “pvz” tab.
*'''department''' is the name of the department which the order is raised in.
*'''pickup''' is YES/NO attribute of pickup arrangement. If there is YES, then the entire order will be considered to be the assignment for cargo pickup but not for cargo delivery! It is applied for calling a courier to the receiver for the pickup of other packaging units.
*'''items''' is a container used for the description of goods enclosed. It is an optional container. It has the following attributes:
:* '''''item''''' is the name of a product.
:* '''''quantity''''' is the amount of product units.
:* '''''mass''''' is the weight of a product unit in kilograms.
:* '''''retprice''''' is the price of a product unit.
:* '''''VATrate''''' is a VAT rate which is specified as integer percentage. If a value is not indicated, then “18” value is entered.
:* '''''barcode''''' is a product unit barcode. [[File:Article.png|thumb|100px|right]]
:* '''''article''''' is product unit article number. ''Attention!'' Product unit article is displayed only in case when a product unit is stored at the delivery service in safe custody and order batching is required. In this case the system will try to assign a product unit to a corresponding item in [[API#Nomenclature list|nomenclature list]]. If the product unit is not found in the nomenclature list, the appropriate error message will be displayed by the system. If there are several product units found within one article number, the system will randomly select one of them what can result in incorrect order batching! If a product unit is NOT in safe custody – you DON`T have to specify its article number. Product item will be entered into the system by a plain text.
:* '''''extcode''''' is an external code of a string. It is used for the identification of strings of orders when obtaining statuses. It is an optional field. IT IS NOT SUPPORTED YET.
In case it is necessary to specify them besides product units, additional services (for example, DELIVERY, order batching, lifting the order up to the floor, etc.) – they should be specified in the same “items” container as product units but without article numbers.
=== Examples of responses ===
'''The example of a successful response'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<createorder orderno="AB23541" error="0" errormsg="success"></createorder>
<createorder orderno="55_6542" error="0" errormsg="success"></createorder>
<createorder orderno="AB23542" error="0" errormsg="success"></createorder>
'''The example of a response with an error'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<createorder orderno="AB23541" error="17" errormsg="Such number exists"></createorder>
<createorder orderno="AB23542" error="13" errormsg="empty company"></createorder>
<createorder orderno="AB23543" error="14" errormsg="empty person"></createorder>
'''The example of a response in case of the authorization error'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<error error="1" errormsg="authorization error"></error>
'''The example of a response in case of a syntax error''''''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error>column:1 line:11 message:expected '>'</error>
=== Error codes in case of ordering ===
0 – No errors.
1 - Authorization error. (<auth login="" pass=""></auth> tags are missing, incorrect login or password).
2 - Empty response is sent (<neworder></neworder> container is missing in a XML document).
3 - Order amount is set incorrectly.
4 - Order weight is set incorrectly.
5 - Receiver`s town is not found.
6 - Sender`s town is not found.
7 - Receiver`s address is not filled in.
8 - Receiver`s phone number is not filled in.
9 - Receiver`s contact name is not filled in.
10 - Receiver`s company name is not filled in.
11 - The amount of declared value is incorrect.
12 - Article number is not found.
13 - Sender`s company name is not filled in.
14 - Sender`s contact name is not filled in.
15 - Sender`s phone number is not filled in.
16 - Sender`s address is not filled in.
17 - Order with this number already exists.
== Order status query ==
=== The example of order status query ===
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
<target>Car-making factory</target>
=== The description of status query fields ===
'''statusreq''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''client''' is an attribute of a customer or an agent. It is an optional element.
:* CLIENT is an attribute of a customer, the default value
:* AGENT is an attribute of an agent. In response the information on orders passed on to the agent for their delivery is returned
*'''orderno''' is an order number. It is an optional element.
*'''orderno2''' is an order number from the list of urgent orders. It is an optional element.
*'''datefrom''' is a date “from”. It is a mandatory element.
*'''dateto''' is a date “to”. It is a mandatory element.
*'''target''' is a find string. It allows indicating the text that company name or receiver`s address contains.
*'''done''' can have the following values:
:* ONLY_NOT_DONE - for undelivered only
:* ONLY_DONE - for delivered only
:* ONLY_NEW - for new only
:* ''Empty'' - for all correspondence
*'''changes''' can have only one value - ONLY_LAST. If this parameter is set, all other parameters, except quickstatus, will be ignored. The description of this mode is given here: [[#Newly changed statuses transfer|Newly changed statuses transfer]]
*'''quickstatus''' indicates the “depth” of transferred statuses: "YES" value (by default) - statuses are transferred starting from the information provided by a courier. Such statuses are quick (as a rule, they are provided by a courier immediately after delivery) but not always accurate. "NO" value prohibits status transfer according to oral information provided by the courier and provides only those statuses that have been entered by an operator manually, as a rule. It takes more time however the level of accuracy is much higher in this case. It is not recommended to combine (interleave) these two types of status transfer in case of newly changed statuses demand as in this case the system will consider that statuses of dispatches are changing.
<div style="color: #a94442; background-color: #f2dede; border: 1px solid #ebccd1; padding: 3px 10px 10px;">
'''Please, note!'''
# Period of status query ('''datefrom''' and '''dateto''' containers) is limited to two months — two months to the date '''"to"'''.
# In case both dates are not specified — '''dateto''' is accepted equal to the current date.
# In case '''dateto''' date is not specified — it is accepted equal to '''datefrom''' plus two months.
# In case '''datefrom''' date is not specified — it is accepted equal to '''dateto''' minus two months.
<br />
=== Examples of responses ===
'''The example of a successful response'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<statusreq count="23">
<order orderno="111111" orderno2="123123" ordercode="34534234" givencode="2345334">
<company>Ministry of Internal Affairs</company>
<person>I. I. Ivanov</person>
<town code="23432">Saint-Petersburg</town>
<address>Room 35, 38 Petrovka Str.</address>
<company>Ministry of Internal Affairs</company>
<person>I. I. Ivanov</person>
<phone>123-45-67 - Ivan, (916)234.45.21 Pyotr, mvd@mail.ru</phone>
<town code="23432">Saint-Petersburg</town>
<address>Room 35, 38 Petrovka Str.</address>
<coords lat="55.680327" lon="37.604456"></coords>
<enclosure>Children`s toys</enclosure>
<instruction>Check in the presence of the buyer, sign acceptance act</instruction>
<currcoords lat="55.680327" lon="37.604456" accuracy="50" RequestDateTime="2014-04-21 18:07:45"></currcoords>
<name>Vladimir Petrovich Ivanov</name>
<deliveryprice total="158.6">
<>..</> (price details are not yet supported)
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered">COMPLETE</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow branch" eventtime="2016-05-30 10:20:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="New">NEW</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow branch" eventtime="2016-06-01 17:38:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="Saint-Petersburg branch" title="Dispatch is planned">DEPARTURING</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow branch" eventtime="2016-06-01 19:53:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="Saint-Petersburg branch" title="Dispatched from the warehouse">DEPARTURE</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 07:41:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Received by the warehouse">ACCEPTED</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 09:17:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Given to the courier to be delivered ">DELIVERY</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered (to be confirmed)">COURIERDELIVERED</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered">COMPLETE</status>
<deliveredto>Ivanova, sec.</deliveredto>
<item code="34533" extcode="abc123" quantity="1" mass="0.2" retprice="37.5" VATrate="0" barcode="2345625213125" article="1" returns="0">Ball</item>
<item code="34456" extcode="abc124" quantity="2" mass="2" retprice="100" VATrate="10" barcode="4645625213138" article="2" returns="0">Hula hoop</item>
<item code="34421" extcode="abc125" quantity="3" mass="0.3" retprice="50" VATrate="18" barcode="2345625213126" article="3" returns="0">Yellow rattler</item>
'''A response example in the absence of orders'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<statusreq count="0">
'''A response example in case of the authorization error'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<error error="1" errormsg="authorization error"></error>
'''A response example in case of the syntax error'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error>column:1 line:11 message:expected '>'</error>
=== Status response fields description ===
All the fields of response correspond with order structure when creating an order, with some additions:
* ''order'' container attributes:
:* '''''ordercode''''' is an internal code of the order in the system which is applied for some internal operations.
:* '''''givencode''''' is an internal code of the order in the system which is applied for some internal operations.
:* '''''returns''''' is the amount of a certain product unit which a receiver has refused. It will have a non-zero value only in case of a partial refusal.
* '''''code''''' attribute of '''item''' container is an internal code of order string in the system which is applied for some internal operations.
* '''''coords''''' in '''receiver''' container indicates receiver position.
* '''currcoords''' indicates current order position. Its attributes are:
:* '''''lat''''' is latitude
:* '''''lon''''' is longitude
:* '''''accuracy''''' indicates the degree of accuracy in meters
:* '''''RequestDateTime''''' is date/time of the latest position update.
* '''deliveryprice''' is the price of delivery in the customer`s settlement currency.
* '''status''' is a delivery status (see the list of statuses below). It has the following attributes (they are filled in starting from version 2008.0.0.670 of the system):
:* '''''eventstore''''' is a branch which the following status is related to
:* '''''eventtime''''' is the time of status change (time of status change depends on the location of a branch)
:* '''''createtimegmt''''' is the time of the actual status change (GMT)
:* '''''message''''' is the name of a receiving branch in case of a transfer between branches
:* '''''title''''' is the name of a status in Russian
* '''statushistory''' is the history of delivery statuses. It contains the list of '''status''' containers. It is filled in only for “Premium” plan starting from version 2008.0.0.670 of the system.
* '''customstatecode''' is an internal status code of a delivery service. Please, check with the delivery service for its values. They are assigned by the delivery service in “Guides” - “Statuses” - “15 Correspondence statuses” section. The guide is not transferred to the client via API due to a possible presence of delivery service technological statuses in it.
* '''clientstatecode''' is a customer`s status code. It is used in case a customer is transferring his codes of delivery/reasons for non-delivery statuses.
* '''deliveredto''' is the information on delivery or a reason for non-delivery.
* '''delivereddate''' is the date of delivery.
* '''deliveredtime''' is the time of delivery. It can be left empty in case of non-delivery.
* '''outstrbarcode''' is a contractor`s code (the order code within an external system). It is used in integrations with external systems.
'''status''' container can have the following values:
: NEW - New
: ACCEPTED - Received by the warehouse
: INVENTORY - Inventory
: DEPARTURING - Dispatch is planned
: DEPARTURE - Dispatched from the warehouse
: DELIVERY - Given to the courier to be delivered
: COURIERDELIVERED - Delivered (to be confirmed)
: COMPLETE - Delivered
: PARTIALLY - Partially delivered
: COURIERRETURN - Returned by the courier. The courier couldn`t deliver the order to the receiver and returned it back to the warehouse. This is an intermediate status after which the manager is checking whether the courier has to make another attempt to deliver the order or this is a final non-delivery.
: CANCELED - Not delivered (Return/Cancellation)
: RETURNING - Return is planned
: RETURNED - Returned
: CONFIRM - Dispatch is confirmed
: DATECHANGE - Postponement
: NEWPICKUP - Pickup is created
: UNCONFIRM - Dispatch has not been confirmed
: PICKUPREADY - Ready for pickup
''Note:'' The set of currently used statuses may be expanded and charged in the future.
<div style="color: #a94442; background-color: #f2dede; border: 1px solid #ebccd1; padding: 3px 10px 10px;">
'''Please, note!'''
# '''status''' container attributes should be specified for system version '''2008.0.0.670''' and newer ones.
# '''statushistory''' is filled in for tariff. "[[Member_area #.D0.9F.D0.BE.D0.B4.D0.BA.D0.BB.D1.8E.D1.87.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B5|Premium]]" as well as for system version '''2008.0.0.670''' and newer ones.
<br />
=== Newly changed statuses transfer ===
Send a query for getting newly changed statuses
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
The system will display all orders that have at least one of the fields changed since the time of the last query in this mode:
After successful response processing it is necessary to mark received statuses as successfully received ones sending the following query
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
If successful you will get the following response
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<error error="0" errormsg="OK"></error>
This way of status transfer ensures a complete and correct status transfer even in case the status has changed in the time period between statuses` query and confirmation of their receipt. If the system hasn`t received the confirmation of a successful status transfer, it will consider this information to be not delivered and will display it in case of a requery.
<div style="color: #a94442; background-color: #f2dede; border: 1px solid #ebccd1; padding: 3px 10px 10px;">
'''Please, note!'''
# When this way of data transfer is used (<changes>ONLY_LAST</changes>), the system is reviewing those orders that have been checked out for the last 3 months. In case there is an order that has been checked out before this period, then status change for this order won`t get into the list of results of this query execution.
# The system always returns a current status, i. e., you can get "NEW" status for your first query and "COMPLETE" status - for your second query. A dispatch could have gone through several intermediate statuses in between queries.
# The system can never guarantee the order going through a set of statuses successively, i. e., you can get "COMPLETE" status after your first query and "NEW" status after your second query - such things can happen in case when, for example, the operator has mistakenly marked an order as a completed one and then corrected his mistake.
<br />
== Order tracking by its number ==
Query for order tracking by number is intended to provide minimal anonymized information about a certain order to a non-authorized user. Our system has its own interface for this which is available at the following URL: "home.courierexe.ru/{extra code}/tracking". You can either create a link to such page at your web-site or put as an iframe there or create your own page and use our API. This interface is specially designed to issue information to a human web-site user. You need to use "statusreq" query, desirably with changes=ONLY_LAST parameter in order to obtain statuses of orders into your information system!
'''A query example:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
'''A response example:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<order orderno="1234">
<town code="1">Moscow city</town>
<town code="1">Moscow city</town>
<currcoords lat="" lon="" accuracy="" RequestDateTime="" />
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered">COMPLETE</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow office" eventtime="2016-05-30 10:20:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="New">NEW</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow office" eventtime="2016-06-01 17:38:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="Saint-Petersburg branch" title="Dispatch is planned">DEPARTURING</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow office" eventtime="2016-06-01 19:53:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="Saint-Petersburg branch" title="Dispatched from the warehouse">DEPARTURE</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 07:41:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Received by the warehouse">ACCEPTED</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 09:17:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Given to the courier to be delivered">DELIVERY</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered (to be confirmed)">COURIERDELIVERED</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered">COMPLETE</status>
The function is searching for the last order among the orders of all customers by its number. It provides anonymized information on a current state of the order. <br />
The description of response containers is similar to the description of [[API#.D0.97.D0.B0.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D1.81_.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B0.D1.82.D1.83.D1.81.D0.B0_.D0.B7.D0.B0.D0.BA.D0.B0.D0.B7.D0.BE.D0.B2|Order status query]].
== Status change by agent ==
Order change status query allows finding out the final status of the order - "Delivered" or "Not delivered (Return/Cancellation)."
Besides that, date and time (in necessary) of status change as well as a type of message in "Information on delivery" field are set.
If necessary, images can be attached to the order information.
'''The example of a status change response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
<order ordercode="123456" date="2018-03-01" time="10:00" message="The customer has refused from the purchase"/>
<order ordercode="234567" date="2018-03-01" time="10:00" message="">
<image filename="filename1.jpg">/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAA0JCgsKCA0LCgsODg0PEyAVExISEy
'''The description of status response fields:'''
'''setorderinfo''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''order''' is order container. It is a mandatory element. A query may contain more than one '''order''' container. It has the following attributes:
:* '''''ordercode''''' is an internal code of an order.
:* '''''date''''' is status change date.
:* '''''time''''' is status change time.
:* '''''message''''' is message text.
*'''image''' is an attached image container. It contains image file text coded according to ''base64'' standard. '''order''' container may contain more than one '''image''' container. It has the following attribute:
:* '''''filename''''' is a file name.
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<order ordercode="123456" error="0" errormsg="OK" errormsgru="Successfully" />
<order ordercode="234567" error="59" errormsg="value [date_put] is already set" errormsgru="The value [Date of delivery] is already set" />
== Cancellation of order ==
Cancel request is intended to be used for cancellation of those orders about which no changes have been made - like delivery status, correspondence status and delivery time - in other words, those orders which are not being processed.
In case of order cancellation “Delivery information” field gets the value “Cancelled by the customer” and “Delivery date” field gets a current date.
'''The example of a query for order cancellation:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
<order orderno="" ordercode="123456" />
<order orderno="123aaa" ordercode="" />
'''The description of status query fields:'''
'''cancelorder''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''order''' is a cancelled order container. It is a mandatory element. A query may contain more than one '''order''' container. It has the following attributes:
:* '''''orderno''''' is order`s cipher.
:* '''''ordercode''''' is an internal code of the order.
Please, note that at least one of ''orderno'' or ''ordercode'' attributes should be specified!
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<order orderno="123test" ordercode="123456" error="0" errormsg="OK" errormsgru="Successfully" />
<order orderno="123aaa" ordercode="" error="52" errormsg="order not found" errormsgru="The order is not found" />
== City names list ==
'''The example of the city names list query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<city>Krasnodar Territory</city>
<fullname>Moscow city</fullname>
All elements inside townlist container can either be absent or combine. The search is not case-sensitive.
*'''codesearch''' is a search by codes. In case when it is used, conditions and limit containers will be ignored.
:* '''zipcode''' is a search by zip codes. Please, note that one zip code can be applicable to several localities. In this case the system will return several records.
:* '''kladrcode''' is a search by 13-digit codes of All-Russian Classifier of Addresses.
:* '''fiascode''' is a search by codes of Federal Information Address System (Address system used in Russia) (AOID).
:* '''code''' is a search by codes of the system.
*'''conditions''' specifies search criteria. All enclose elements simultaneously impose “AND” condition.
:* '''city''' is a search by all the localities of a region.
:* '''namecontains''' is a search of the localities which names contain a specified text.
:* '''namestarts''' is a search of the localities which names start from a specified text.
:* '''name''' is a search of the localities which names match a specified text.
:* '''fullname''' is a search of the localities which names and type match a specified text.
:* '''country''' is a search of the country with a specified zip code.
*'''limit''' limits result output.
:* '''limitfrom''' specifies the record number of a search result starting with which a response should be given. It equals 0 by default.
:* '''limitcount''' specifies the number of search result records which should be returned. It equals 10000 by default.
:* '''countall''' - YES indicates the necessity of counting the amount of matches found. It may slow down the process of query execution. In case it is disabled, totalcount and totalpages values won`t be indicated in the response.
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<townlist count="3" page="1" totalcount="3" totalpages="1">
<name>Krasnodar Territory</name>
<name>Sochi city</name>
<shortname>Sochi</shortname> (not yet supported)
<typename>city</typename> (not yet supported)
<name>Bryanskaya oblast</name>
<name>Sochilov farmstead</name>
<name>Pskov oblast</name>
<name>Sochikhino village</name>
In a response cities and towns are sorted by their popularity, importance (district centers, etc.) and only after that - alphabetically.
== Region names list ==
'''The example of the region names list query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fullname>Moscow region</fullname>
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<regionlist count="2">
<name>Agin-Buryat Autonomous Area</name>
<name>Republic of Adygea</name>
== Street names guide ==
'''The example of the city names list query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<town>Moscow city</town> // MANDATORY FIELD!
<namestarts>Academician K</namestarts>
<name>Academician Khokhlov</name>
<fullname>Academician Khokhlov Str.</fullname>
</streetlist >
*'''conditions''' specifies search criteria. All enclose elements simultaneously impose “AND” condition.
:* '''town''' is a mandatory field. It`s the name or the code of a locality.
:* '''namecontains''' is a search of the localities which names contain a specified text.
:* '''namestarts''' is a search of the localities which names start from a specified text.
:* '''name''' is a search of the localities which names match a specified text.
:* '''fullname''' is a search of the localities which names and type match a specified text.
*'''limit''' limits result output.
:* '''limitfrom''' specifies the record number of a search result starting with which a response should be given. It equals 0 by default.
:* '''limitcount''' specifies the number of search result records which should be returned. It equals 10000 by default.
:* '''countall''' - YES indicates the necessity of counting the amount of matches found. It may slow down the process of query execution. In case it is disabled, totalcount and totalpages values won`t be indicated in the response.
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<streetlist count="1" page="1" totalcount="3" totalpages="1">
<name>Academician Khokhlov Str.</name>
<shortname>Academician Khokhlov</shortname>
In a response names of the streets are sorted in alphabetical order.
== Nomenclature list ==
'''The example of the nomenclature list query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
<namecontains>TV set</namecontains>
<name>Sony KDL-55W905 LCD television</name>
All elements inside itemlist container can either be absent or combine. The search is not case-sensitive.
*'''codesearch''' is a search by codes. In case when it is used, conditions and limit containers will be ignored.
:* '''code''' is a search by codes of the system.
:* '''article''' is a search by article numbers.
:* '''barcode''' is a search by barcodes.
*'''conditions''' specifies search criteria. All enclose elements simultaneously impose “AND” condition.
:* '''namecontains''' is a search of the goods which names contain a specified text.
:* '''namestarts''' is a search of the goods which names start from a specified text.
:* '''name''' is a search of the goods which names match a specified text.
:* '''quantity''' is the availability of goods at the warehouse. It can have the following values: EXISTING_ONLY - only in stock, NOT_EXISTING_ONLY - only stock out, ALL - all. ''In some setups this field may be unavailable.''
*'''limit''' limits result output.
:* '''limitfrom''' specifies the record number of a search result starting with which a response should be given.
:* '''limitcount''' specifies the number of search result records which should be returned.
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<itemlist count="3" totalcount="3" page="1" totalpages="1">
<name>Sony KDL-55W905 LCD television</name>
<CountryOfOrigin>Malaysia</CountryOfOrigin> (not yet supported)
<Message>A good TV set</Message>
<Message2>Another good TV set</Message2>
'''The description of fields:'''
*'''code''' is an internal identifier assigned by the system.
*'''article''' is an article assigned by a customer (a supplier).
*'''barcode''' is a manufacturer`s barcode.
*'''name''' is an item name.
*'''retprice''' is a retail price value by default. When ordering the price which is mentioned in the order is used.
*'''weight''' is weight in kilograms.
*'''length''' is length in centimeters.
*'''width''' is width in centimeters.
*'''height''' is height in centimeters.
*'''CountInPallet''' is the number of pieces in a pallet.
*'''HasSerials''' requires serial numbers accounting. It takes on the following values: 1 - yes, 0 - no.
*'''CountryOfOrigin''' is the name of a country of origin in Russian.
*'''Message''' is a commentary.
*'''Message2''' is an additional commentary.
*'''quantity''' is the number of goods in stock. Those goods that have already been batched into orders are not included in this number and considered to depart the depository for goods. ''This field may be unavailable in some setups.''
*'''reserved''' is the number of goods reserved. It may outnumber stock balance if customers are waiting for the next delivery. ''This field may be unavailable in some setups.''
== The list of pick-up points ==
'''The example of a pick-points query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
<town>Nizhniy Tagil</town>
*'''town''' is a receiver`s residence.
'''The example of a response from the list of pick-up points:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<pvzlist count="2">
<name>Nizhniy Tagil</name>
<address>622036, 17 Tsiolkovsky Str., Nizhniy Tagil city</address>
<phone>+73435417709, +73435254989</phone>
<comment>5-storeyed apartment building with its end wall beside the highway, the second building from Parkhomenko-Tsiolkovsky street intersection.</comment>
<name>At Krasnoarmeyskaya Street</name>
<address>79 KRASNOARMEYSKAYA STR.</address>
<comment>Working hours: from Monday through Friday, from 9 a. m. till 6 p. m., on Saturday - from 10 a. m. till 2 p. m.</comment>
*'''code''' is a code of a pick-up point in the system. It is used in an [[API#Ordering|ordering]] query.
*'''clientcode''' is a code of a pick-up point used by a contracting company.
*'''name''' is a name of a pick-up point.
*'''address''' is a pick-up point`s address.
*'''phone''' are pick-up point phone numbers.
*'''comment''' is additional information.
== The list of types of priority ==
'''The example of a type of priority query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8"/>
'''The example of a response from the list of types of priority:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<services count="2">
== Delivery cost calculation ==
'''The example of a delivery cost query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
<calc townfrom="Moscow" townto="3800000300000" mass="3.7" service="1" />
*'''townfrom''' is a sending town.
*'''townto''' is a receiving town.
*'''mass''' is weight in kilograms.
*'''service''' is a delivery mode - a number indicating the entry in the list of [The list of types of priority|types of priority]
In authorization login and pass parameters can be omitted, then calculation will be made according to a standard tariff rate of a delivery service with no account of possible differences for a certain customer. <br>
The name of a town (not recommended!), or its code from our list, or its 13-digit code of All-Russian Classifier of Addresses (Address Classifier used in Russia), or its 36-digit code of the Federal Information Address System (AOID) can be entered into the fields for a sending town and a receiving town.
'''The example of a cost of delivery response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<townfrom code="1">Moscow city</townfrom>
<townto code="56603">Irkutsk city</townto>
*'''townfrom''' is a sending town name which has been recognized and assigned to the list of towns by the system. '''code''' attribute is a code from the list of towns in the system.
*'''townto''' is a receiving town name which has been recognized and assigned to the list of towns by the system. '''code''' attribute is a code from the list of towns in the system.
*'''mass''' is weight in kilograms.
*'''service''' is a delivery mode - a number indicating the entry in the list of [The list of types of priority|types of priority]
*'''service''' is a delivery mode - the number indicating a certain entry in the list of types of priority (See the description on this page).
*'''zone''' is the number of a tariff zone according to which the price has been calculated. The tariff schedule is selected depending on the tariff zone. Multiplying or decreasing coefficients can be applied to the price of delivery in case of order delivery not from/to a regional center.
*'''price''' is a calculated delivery price in the currency of a delivery service`s price-list. It is recommended to be used rather than its homonymous attribute of the parent container.
*'''maxdeliverydays''' is the maximum delivery period in business days.
== The list of money transference certificates ==
'''The example of the query for the list of money transference certificates:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
'''smalist''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''datefrom''' is a date “from”. It is an optional element.
*'''dateto''' is a date “to”. It is an optional element.
If the date range is not specified, then money transference certificates for the last month are returned.
'''The example of a response to the query for the list of money transference certificates:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<smalist count="1">
*'''code''' is a code of a money transference certificate.
*'''number''' is the number of a money transference certificate in the system.
*'''actdate''' is a date of a money transference certificate.
*'''datepay''' is a date of payment on a money transference certificate.
*'''price''' is a price of services.
*'''rur''' is a price of an order.
*'''pricekur''' is a price of courier delivery.
*'''priceag''' is agent`s commission.
*'''payno''' is a number of a payment order.
*'''paytype''' is a type of payment: 1- non-cash payment, 2 - paying a courier in cash, 3 - paying cash at the office, 4 - wire transfer.
== Detailing of money transference certificates ==
'''The examples of the query for money transference certificates detailing:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
'''smadetail''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''code''' is a code of a money transference certificate (See the query of the list of money transference certificates). It is a mandatory element.
'''The example of a response to the query of money transference certificates:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<smadetail count="1">
<paytype>Cash on delivery</paytype>
<paytype>Cash on delivery</paytype>
*'''code''' is a code of the record.
*'''addresscode''' is a code of the order.
*'''price''' is a price of service
*'''rur''' is the amount of the order.
*'''pricekur''' is a price of courier delivery.
*'''priceag''' is agent`s commission.
*'''pricecalc''' is the amount to be transferred to the agent.
*'''paytype''' is a type of payment: 1- non-cash payment, 2 - paying a courier in cash, 3 - paying cash at the office, 4 - wire transfer.
*'''status''' is a status of the order.
== Generation of short links ==
In some cases, for instance, when using them in SMS, the use of short links to member area may be required.
For doing that it is necessary to send a query containing a full link to which a response containing a hash code for a short link will be sent.
'''The example of a query for short links generation:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<link short="0">https://home.courierexe.ru/8/site/orders</link>
'''shortlink''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''link''' is a full link for generation of which a code should be obtained. It is a mandatory element. If '''short''' attribute equals 1, then a response won`t contain XML but only a hash code.
'''The example of a response to the query for short links generation:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
*'''hash''' is a hash code of a short link.
Further on the following link to member area can be used:
The given API is designed for integrating customers (online shops and other companies ordering delivery) with delivery services working under the control of “Delivery Service 2008” system. If you are an aggregator transferring customer data, you will probably have to log in using different user accounts in case a delivery service has to keep separate accounts for reciprocal payments for each customer. If you are a “contractor”, the integration should be done in the opposite direction – orders will be transferred to you from a delivery service. For that purpose we have a platform for external integration but contractors can be added to it only on our side. Please, send us your quote, the description of your service and we will gladly consider them.
When writing the given documentation we`ve been assuming that a person reading it has the required level of expertise in programming sufficient for the understanding of the contents of this documentation, has a knowledge of XML and development environment which he is integrating. If you are not qualified as a programmer you will have to hire a professional programmer for the implementation of your project.
If you still have questions after reading the given documentation, feel free to ask them via e-mail [mailto:support@courierexe.ru support@courierexe.ru]. In your e-mail message you should introduce yourself, leave your contact information (your phone number, Skype login) and the name of the company that you want to integrate with.
== Complete integrations ==
You can download integration modules to integrate with popular CMS
{| class="wikitable" align="center" style="width: 80%; margin: auto; color: black; boreder: 1px solid #999999;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"
!style="width: 35%;"| Content Management System (CMS)
!style="width: 15%;"|Module version
!style="width: 15%;"|Link
!style="width: 35%;"|Note
|style="text-align: center;"|1.5.8 от 13.11.2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://courierexe.ru/download/api/bitrix.zip Download Unicode]<br>[http://courierexe.ru/download/api/bitrix_ansi.zip Download ANSI]
|Supports version 14.5 and newer ones
|style="text-align: center;"|1.4.2 dated from September 6, 2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://courierexe.ru/download/api/prestashop.zip Download]
|Supports version and newer ones (including 2.x!)
|[[File:opencart.png|center|x44px]] [[Файл:ocstore.png|center|x30px]]
|style="text-align: center;"|1.7.2 от 06.09.2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://courierexe.ru/download/api/opencart.zip Download]
| Supports versions from till 2.2.<br>
[https://opencartforum.com/files/file/2906-avtomatizaciya-otpravki-i-otslezhivanie-dostavok-courierexe-dlya-opencart-15x/ Third-party alternative module]
|style="text-align: center;"|1.3.2 от 15.08.2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://www.webasyst.ru/store/plugin/shop/measoftcourier/ Install]
|style="text-align: center;"|1.2.1 от 06.09.2017
|style="text-align: center;"|[http://www.insales.ru/collection/all/product/kurierskaya-sluzhba-2008 Install]
|[[Integration_with_other_systems#Insales|is set up]] in user area in the system
|style="text-align: center;"|1.0 dated from November 15, 2016
|style="text-align: center;"|[[Файл:Leadvertex-howto.png|center|x44px]]
|[http://blog.leadvertex.ru/news/2110-integraciya-s-kurerkami-na-platforme-measoft/ is set up] in user area in the system [https://Leadvertex.ru Leadvertex]
|style="text-align: center;"|1.0 dated from January 1, 2018
|style="text-align: center;"|[https://www.retailcrm.ru/ RetailCRM]
|[[Integration_with_other_systems#RetailCRM|is set up]] in user area in the system
The given modules are shared for free without any guarantee on the part of the developer. Their availability should be considered not as a means of complete automation of your interaction with the delivery service but more as an aid for online shop developers in building integration with delivery services. However, we will appreciate if you inform us about your needs and/or discrepancies found in our modules – this allows us to consider your demands when developing new versions of our modules.
== Test account ==
For debugging you can access your test personal account following the link: [https://home.courierexe.ru/8 https://home.courierexe.ru/8], your login will be: test, your password will be: testm. There you will be able to see all your requests with the “eyes” of our system by using “Automation” tab. You will also find a query execution interface there. You will see all created orders on “Tracking” tab.
In order to simplify the process of integration, you can download [http://courierexe.ru/download/api/php_sample.zip the example of addressing the service using PHP].
== Work account for the connection to your customer`s platform ==
It is necessary to have 3 parameters in order to connect to your customer`s platform:
1. '''Parameter extra''' (this is a digital code, company`s unique identifier. Request this parameter from a company that you are integrating with.) You can look this code up in “Delivery Service 2008” software interface by using its main menu '''"Reference – Additional Options"'''. Digital value will be given at the second hyperlink (it is marked with an “asterisk” in the screenshot below):
2. '''Login''' is a user account parameter for customer`s member area and API that is entered in user card on '''"Miscellaneous"''' in '''"User Name"''' field. You will probably have to create a new user card (shown in the screenshot below) in “Delivery Service 2008” software.
3. '''Password''' is a user account parameter for customer`s member area and API that is entered in user card on '''"Miscellaneous"''' in '''" Password"''' field (shown in the screenshot below).
== General terms ==
There is a web service on the side of the delivery service located at the following URL: https://home.courierexe.ru/api/. Test authorization data are: user login: test, user password: testm, “extra” parameter value: 8. Please, note that the test platform is common for everyone. You shouldn`t pass on orders containing confidential data through it as they might be seen by other users of the service.
Ask the company that you are integrating with for user “login”, “password” and “extra” parameter value in order to use the integration in the work mode.
You can send test queries to our service in the member area using “Automation” tab. You can also check the history of all queries sent by you in the member area.
A customer is sending queries to the service by using HTTP POST, the service is processing these queries and sending the execution result back. All queries and responses are transferred in XML format.
The encoding used is UTF-8. Dot sign is used as a decimal symbol. Dates are presented in YYYY-MM-DD format and time is presented in HH:MM format.
Due to [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML#.D0.A0.D0.B5.D1.88.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D0.B1.D0.BB.D0.B5.D0.BC.D1.8B_.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.BE.D0.B4.D0.BD.D0.BE.D0.B7.D0.BD.D0.B0.D1.87.D0.BD.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B8_.D1.80.D0.B0.D0.B7.D0.BC.D0.B5.D1.82.D0.BA.D0.B8 the peculiarities of XML extensible markup language], some symbols in the text should be replaced: & from &amp; < to &lt; > from &gt; " to &quot;
== Limitations ==
With the aim of protecting service from its improper use query limitation equal to 1500 queries from one IP-address for 20-minute period has been introduced since May 29, 2017. In case the above-mentioned limit is reached, the IP-address will be blocked; unblocking of the IP-address is possible by addressing the technical support service with the subsequent discussion of your algorithms and their correction.
The best option for checking your orders` status is using "statusreq" queries with changes=ONLY_LAST parameter. You shouldn`t try to “attack” our API with queries containing numbers of all your orders, especially, with "tracking" queries – they are not intended to be used for this (see their description).
== Ordering ==
=== Example of ordering ===
<source lang=xml>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<neworder newfolder="NO">
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
<order orderno="111111">
<company>Ministry of Internal Affairs</company>
<person>I. I. Ivanov</person>
<address>Room 35, 38 Petrovka Str.</address>
<date>March 22, 2014</date>
<company>Ministry of Internal Affairs</company>
<person>Cheap & Dale</person>
<address>Room 35, 38 Petrovka Str.</address>
<enclosure>Children`s toys</enclosure>
<instruction>Check in the presence of the buyer, sign acceptance act</instruction>
<item extcode="abc123" quantity="1" mass="0.2" retprice="37.5" VATrate="0" barcode="2345625213125" article="1">Ball</item>
<item extcode="abc124" quantity="2" mass="2" retprice="100" VATrate="10" barcode="4645625213138" article="2">Hula hoop</item>
<item extcode="abc125" quantity="3" mass="0.3" retprice="50" barcode="2345625213126" article="3">Yellow rattle</item>
=== Order elements description ===
*'''neworder''' is a root container, the mandatory element.
:* '''''newfolder''''' is an attribute of a new order – YES/NO. If there is YES, then a new order will be created for the given correspondence in the delivery service system. It is an optional element.
*'''order''' is a container used for the description of one order, the mandatory element. There may be a number of '''order''' containers in one '''neworder''' container for the creation of several orders by using one query.
:* '''''orderno''''' is an order number. It should be entered here if it is assigned by the customer. In case it is not assigned, this field can be left empty; the system will generate its own number and send it back in the response. The system checks the presence of orders with the entered number within the current calendar year and in case they already exist in the system, the order won`t be created and error 17 "Such number exists" will be send back in the response.
*'''barcode''' is an order barcode. In case the customer uses barcodes for his dispatches and the barcode is different from the order number, the barcode is entered into this field. In case there are several pieces packages present that are individually marked, masks in the form of underscore characters indicating barcode items, varying for different pieces packages within one order can be used. <br />
''For example'': There are 20 product units in order no. 123 packed in 3 pieces packages. The customer has to prepare 3 barcodes for each piece: CLNT0012301, CLNT0012302, CLNT0012303, where CLNT – is a customer`s prefix, 00123 is an order number, 01-03 is the number for each piece package in the order. CLNT00123__ should be entered into the “barcode” field (the system will understand that there may be any last 2 symbols in the field and will display barcodes for the same order).
*'''sender''' presents the information about order sender. It is an optional container.
<source lang="xml">
<company>Name of the sender company</company>
<person>Sender company contact person</person>
<phone>Sender`s phone number, E-mail</phone>
<town>Sender`s location in “Moscow city” format</town>
<address>Sender`s address</address>
<date>Pick-up date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format</date>
<time_min>Desired pick-up time in "HH:MM" format</time_min>
<time_max>Desired pick-up time in "HH:MM" format</time_max>
*'''receiver''' is the information about the receiver. It is a mandatory container.
<source lang="xml">
<company>Name of the receiving company</company>
<person>Receiving company contact person</person>
<phone>Receiver`s phone number, E-mail</phone>
<town>Receiver`s location in “Moscow city” format</town>
<address>Receiver`s address</address>
<date>Delivery date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format</date>
<time_min>Desired delivery time in "HH:MM" format</time_min>
<time_max>Desired delivery time in "HH:MM" format</time_max>
*'''company''' is a receiving company.
*'''person''' is a contact person. ''At least one field should be filled in – either company or person!''
*'''phone''' is a phone number. Several phone numbers and emails can be entered into this field.
*'''town''' is the name of the town.
''Town''' field of '''sender''' and '''receiver''' containers can be filled in by using:
:* locality dialing code [[#Dialing codes guide|dialing codes guide]]
:* 13-digit code from All-Russian Classifier of Addresses (Address Classifier used in Russia)
:* 36-digit code from the address system <rspoiler text="Federal Information Address System">Federal Information Address System (Address system used in Russia)</rspoiler> (AOID)
:* the name of the town (not recommended!)
*'''paytype''' is a type of payment used for checking out the order by the receiver. It can take on the following values:
:* CASH is paying with cash on delivery (by default)
:* CARD is paying with a credit card on delivery
:* NO which means that there won`t be any payment. “Price” field value will be ignored. (This type of payment is transferred in case the order has already been paid for and doesn`t require cash collection; API will add goods from the order with a null price to the system. If it is necessary to transfer order total cost, it can be done by using <inshprice> field, indicating order items` declared value)
:* OTHER means other types of payment (It is designated for making payments directly to the delivery service by using other types of payment as: “Webmoney”, “Yandex Money”, online payment with a credit card other payment systems, etc.)
:* OPTION means choosing type of payment by the receiver. This type of payment can’t be transferred with the order. It is automatically set depending on customer`s data setup.
*'''zipcode''' is a zip code.
*'''weight''' is a total weight of the order in kilograms.
*'''quantity''' is the number of pieces packages.
*'''service''' - delivery mode (service type) is transferred in the form of a code from “Delivery priority types” guide.
*'''type''' – correspondence (dispatch) type is transferred in the form of a code from “Types of correspondence” guide.
*'''price''' is an order amount. In case “items” container is present, the value of the given parameter will be ignored and calculated automatically.
*'''deliveryprice''' is the cost of delivery. In case “items” container is present, “Delivery” enclosure will be added to it.
*'''discount''' is a discount for the order amount. As a result the order amount will be decreased by the discount amount.
*'''return''' is an attribute indicating the necessity of return.
*'''return_service''' is a return mode (type of service) which is transferred in the form of a code from “Delivery priority types” guide.
*'''enclosure''' is an enclosure.
*'''inshprice''' is a declared value.
*'''instruction''' is an instruction – a note.
*'''pvz''' is a pick-up point code. You can find out pick-up point codes on request or in user`s member area on “pvz” tab.
*'''department''' is the name of the department which the order is raised in.
*'''pickup''' is YES/NO attribute of pickup arrangement. If there is YES, then the entire order will be considered to be the assignment for cargo pickup but not for cargo delivery! It is applied for calling a courier to the receiver for the pickup of other packaging units.
*'''items''' is a container used for the description of goods enclosed. It is an optional container. It has the following attributes:
:* '''''item''''' is the name of a product.
:* '''''quantity''''' is the amount of product units.
:* '''''mass''''' is the weight of a product unit in kilograms.
:* '''''retprice''''' is the price of a product unit.
:* '''''VATrate''''' is a VAT rate which is specified as integer percentage. If a value is not indicated, then “18” value is entered.
:* '''''barcode''''' is a product unit barcode. [[File:Article.png|thumb|100px|right]]
:* '''''article''''' is product unit article number. ''Attention!'' Product unit article is displayed only in case when a product unit is stored at the delivery service in safe custody and order batching is required. In this case the system will try to assign a product unit to a corresponding item in [[API#Nomenclature list|nomenclature list]]. If the product unit is not found in the nomenclature list, the appropriate error message will be displayed by the system. If there are several product units found within one article number, the system will randomly select one of them what can result in incorrect order batching! If a product unit is NOT in safe custody – you DON`T have to specify its article number. Product item will be entered into the system by a plain text.
:* '''''extcode''''' is an external code of a string. It is used for the identification of strings of orders when obtaining statuses. It is an optional field. IT IS NOT SUPPORTED YET.
In case it is necessary to specify them besides product units, additional services (for example, DELIVERY, order batching, lifting the order up to the floor, etc.) – they should be specified in the same “items” container as product units but without article numbers.
=== Examples of responses ===
'''The example of a successful response'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<createorder orderno="AB23541" error="0" errormsg="success"></createorder>
<createorder orderno="55_6542" error="0" errormsg="success"></createorder>
<createorder orderno="AB23542" error="0" errormsg="success"></createorder>
'''The example of a response with an error'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<createorder orderno="AB23541" error="17" errormsg="Such number exists"></createorder>
<createorder orderno="AB23542" error="13" errormsg="empty company"></createorder>
<createorder orderno="AB23543" error="14" errormsg="empty person"></createorder>
'''The example of a response in case of the authorization error'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<error error="1" errormsg="authorization error"></error>
'''The example of a response in case of a syntax error''''''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error>column:1 line:11 message:expected '>'</error>
=== Error codes in case of ordering ===
0 – No errors.
1 - Authorization error. (<auth login="" pass=""></auth> tags are missing, incorrect login or password).
2 - Empty response is sent (<neworder></neworder> container is missing in a XML document).
3 - Order amount is set incorrectly.
4 - Order weight is set incorrectly.
5 - Receiver`s town is not found.
6 - Sender`s town is not found.
7 - Receiver`s address is not filled in.
8 - Receiver`s phone number is not filled in.
9 - Receiver`s contact name is not filled in.
10 - Receiver`s company name is not filled in.
11 - The amount of declared value is incorrect.
12 - Article number is not found.
13 - Sender`s company name is not filled in.
14 - Sender`s contact name is not filled in.
15 - Sender`s phone number is not filled in.
16 - Sender`s address is not filled in.
17 - Order with this number already exists.
== Order status query ==
=== The example of order status query ===
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
<target>Car-making factory</target>
=== The description of status query fields ===
'''statusreq''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''client''' is an attribute of a customer or an agent. It is an optional element.
:* CLIENT is an attribute of a customer, the default value
:* AGENT is an attribute of an agent. In response the information on orders passed on to the agent for their delivery is returned
*'''orderno''' is an order number. It is an optional element.
*'''orderno2''' is an order number from the list of urgent orders. It is an optional element.
*'''datefrom''' is a date “from”. It is a mandatory element.
*'''dateto''' is a date “to”. It is a mandatory element.
*'''target''' is a find string. It allows indicating the text that company name or receiver`s address contains.
*'''done''' can have the following values:
:* ONLY_NOT_DONE - for undelivered only
:* ONLY_DONE - for delivered only
:* ONLY_NEW - for new only
:* ''Empty'' - for all correspondence
*'''changes''' can have only one value - ONLY_LAST. If this parameter is set, all other parameters, except quickstatus, will be ignored. The description of this mode is given here: [[#Newly changed statuses transfer|Newly changed statuses transfer]]
*'''quickstatus''' indicates the “depth” of transferred statuses: "YES" value (by default) - statuses are transferred starting from the information provided by a courier. Such statuses are quick (as a rule, they are provided by a courier immediately after delivery) but not always accurate. "NO" value prohibits status transfer according to oral information provided by the courier and provides only those statuses that have been entered by an operator manually, as a rule. It takes more time however the level of accuracy is much higher in this case. It is not recommended to combine (interleave) these two types of status transfer in case of newly changed statuses demand as in this case the system will consider that statuses of dispatches are changing.
<div style="color: #a94442; background-color: #f2dede; border: 1px solid #ebccd1; padding: 3px 10px 10px;">
'''Please, note!'''
# Period of status query ('''datefrom''' and '''dateto''' containers) is limited to two months — two months to the date '''"to"'''.
# In case both dates are not specified — '''dateto''' is accepted equal to the current date.
# In case '''dateto''' date is not specified — it is accepted equal to '''datefrom''' plus two months.
# In case '''datefrom''' date is not specified — it is accepted equal to '''dateto''' minus two months.
<br />
=== Examples of responses ===
'''The example of a successful response'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<statusreq count="23">
<order orderno="111111" orderno2="123123" ordercode="34534234" givencode="2345334">
<company>Ministry of Internal Affairs</company>
<person>I. I. Ivanov</person>
<town code="23432">Saint-Petersburg</town>
<address>Room 35, 38 Petrovka Str.</address>
<company>Ministry of Internal Affairs</company>
<person>I. I. Ivanov</person>
<phone>123-45-67 - Ivan, (916)234.45.21 Pyotr, mvd@mail.ru</phone>
<town code="23432">Saint-Petersburg</town>
<address>Room 35, 38 Petrovka Str.</address>
<coords lat="55.680327" lon="37.604456"></coords>
<enclosure>Children`s toys</enclosure>
<instruction>Check in the presence of the buyer, sign acceptance act</instruction>
<currcoords lat="55.680327" lon="37.604456" accuracy="50" RequestDateTime="2014-04-21 18:07:45"></currcoords>
<name>Vladimir Petrovich Ivanov</name>
<deliveryprice total="158.6">
<>..</> (price details are not yet supported)
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered">COMPLETE</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow branch" eventtime="2016-05-30 10:20:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="New">NEW</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow branch" eventtime="2016-06-01 17:38:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="Saint-Petersburg branch" title="Dispatch is planned">DEPARTURING</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow branch" eventtime="2016-06-01 19:53:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="Saint-Petersburg branch" title="Dispatched from the warehouse">DEPARTURE</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 07:41:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Received by the warehouse">ACCEPTED</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 09:17:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Given to the courier to be delivered ">DELIVERY</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered (to be confirmed)">COURIERDELIVERED</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered">COMPLETE</status>
<deliveredto>Ivanova, sec.</deliveredto>
<item code="34533" extcode="abc123" quantity="1" mass="0.2" retprice="37.5" VATrate="0" barcode="2345625213125" article="1" returns="0">Ball</item>
<item code="34456" extcode="abc124" quantity="2" mass="2" retprice="100" VATrate="10" barcode="4645625213138" article="2" returns="0">Hula hoop</item>
<item code="34421" extcode="abc125" quantity="3" mass="0.3" retprice="50" VATrate="18" barcode="2345625213126" article="3" returns="0">Yellow rattler</item>
'''A response example in the absence of orders'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<statusreq count="0">
'''A response example in case of the authorization error'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<error error="1" errormsg="authorization error"></error>
'''A response example in case of the syntax error'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error>column:1 line:11 message:expected '>'</error>
=== Status response fields description ===
All the fields of response correspond with order structure when creating an order, with some additions:
* ''order'' container attributes:
:* '''''ordercode''''' is an internal code of the order in the system which is applied for some internal operations.
:* '''''givencode''''' is an internal code of the order in the system which is applied for some internal operations.
:* '''''returns''''' is the amount of a certain product unit which a receiver has refused. It will have a non-zero value only in case of a partial refusal.
* '''''code''''' attribute of '''item''' container is an internal code of order string in the system which is applied for some internal operations.
* '''''coords''''' in '''receiver''' container indicates receiver position.
* '''currcoords''' indicates current order position. Its attributes are:
:* '''''lat''''' is latitude
:* '''''lon''''' is longitude
:* '''''accuracy''''' indicates the degree of accuracy in meters
:* '''''RequestDateTime''''' is date/time of the latest position update.
* '''deliveryprice''' is the price of delivery in the customer`s settlement currency.
* '''status''' is a delivery status (see the list of statuses below). It has the following attributes (they are filled in starting from version 2008.0.0.670 of the system):
:* '''''eventstore''''' is a branch which the following status is related to
:* '''''eventtime''''' is the time of status change (time of status change depends on the location of a branch)
:* '''''createtimegmt''''' is the time of the actual status change (GMT)
:* '''''message''''' is the name of a receiving branch in case of a transfer between branches
:* '''''title''''' is the name of a status in Russian
* '''statushistory''' is the history of delivery statuses. It contains the list of '''status''' containers. It is filled in only for “Premium” plan starting from version 2008.0.0.670 of the system.
* '''customstatecode''' is an internal status code of a delivery service. Please, check with the delivery service for its values. They are assigned by the delivery service in “Guides” - “Statuses” - “15 Correspondence statuses” section. The guide is not transferred to the client via API due to a possible presence of delivery service technological statuses in it.
* '''clientstatecode''' is a customer`s status code. It is used in case a customer is transferring his codes of delivery/reasons for non-delivery statuses.
* '''deliveredto''' is the information on delivery or a reason for non-delivery.
* '''delivereddate''' is the date of delivery.
* '''deliveredtime''' is the time of delivery. It can be left empty in case of non-delivery.
* '''outstrbarcode''' is a contractor`s code (the order code within an external system). It is used in integrations with external systems.
'''status''' container can have the following values:
: NEW - New
: ACCEPTED - Received by the warehouse
: INVENTORY - Inventory
: DEPARTURING - Dispatch is planned
: DEPARTURE - Dispatched from the warehouse
: DELIVERY - Given to the courier to be delivered
: COURIERDELIVERED - Delivered (to be confirmed)
: COMPLETE - Delivered
: PARTIALLY - Partially delivered
: COURIERRETURN - Returned by the courier. The courier couldn`t deliver the order to the receiver and returned it back to the warehouse. This is an intermediate status after which the manager is checking whether the courier has to make another attempt to deliver the order or this is a final non-delivery.
: CANCELED - Not delivered (Return/Cancellation)
: RETURNING - Return is planned
: RETURNED - Returned
: CONFIRM - Dispatch is confirmed
: DATECHANGE - Postponement
: NEWPICKUP - Pickup is created
: UNCONFIRM - Dispatch has not been confirmed
: PICKUPREADY - Ready for pickup
''Note:'' The set of currently used statuses may be expanded and charged in the future.
<div style="color: #a94442; background-color: #f2dede; border: 1px solid #ebccd1; padding: 3px 10px 10px;">
'''Please, note!'''
# '''status''' container attributes should be specified for system version '''2008.0.0.670''' and newer ones.
# '''statushistory''' is filled in for tariff. "[[Member_area #.D0.9F.D0.BE.D0.B4.D0.BA.D0.BB.D1.8E.D1.87.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B5|Premium]]" as well as for system version '''2008.0.0.670''' and newer ones.
<br />
=== Newly changed statuses transfer ===
Send a query for getting newly changed statuses
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
The system will display all orders that have at least one of the fields changed since the time of the last query in this mode:
After successful response processing it is necessary to mark received statuses as successfully received ones sending the following query
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
If successful you will get the following response
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<error error="0" errormsg="OK"></error>
This way of status transfer ensures a complete and correct status transfer even in case the status has changed in the time period between statuses` query and confirmation of their receipt. If the system hasn`t received the confirmation of a successful status transfer, it will consider this information to be not delivered and will display it in case of a requery.
<div style="color: #a94442; background-color: #f2dede; border: 1px solid #ebccd1; padding: 3px 10px 10px;">
'''Please, note!'''
# When this way of data transfer is used (<changes>ONLY_LAST</changes>), the system is reviewing those orders that have been checked out for the last 3 months. In case there is an order that has been checked out before this period, then status change for this order won`t get into the list of results of this query execution.
# The system always returns a current status, i. e., you can get "NEW" status for your first query and "COMPLETE" status - for your second query. A dispatch could have gone through several intermediate statuses in between queries.
# The system can never guarantee the order going through a set of statuses successively, i. e., you can get "COMPLETE" status after your first query and "NEW" status after your second query - such things can happen in case when, for example, the operator has mistakenly marked an order as a completed one and then corrected his mistake.
<br />
== Order tracking by its number ==
Query for order tracking by number is intended to provide minimal anonymized information about a certain order to a non-authorized user. Our system has its own interface for this which is available at the following URL: "home.courierexe.ru/{extra code}/tracking". You can either create a link to such page at your web-site or put as an iframe there or create your own page and use our API. This interface is specially designed to issue information to a human web-site user. You need to use "statusreq" query, desirably with changes=ONLY_LAST parameter in order to obtain statuses of orders into your information system!
'''A query example:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
'''A response example:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<order orderno="1234">
<town code="1">Moscow city</town>
<town code="1">Moscow city</town>
<currcoords lat="" lon="" accuracy="" RequestDateTime="" />
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered">COMPLETE</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow office" eventtime="2016-05-30 10:20:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="New">NEW</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow office" eventtime="2016-06-01 17:38:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="Saint-Petersburg branch" title="Dispatch is planned">DEPARTURING</status>
<status eventstore="Moscow office" eventtime="2016-06-01 19:53:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="Saint-Petersburg branch" title="Dispatched from the warehouse">DEPARTURE</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 07:41:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Received by the warehouse">ACCEPTED</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 09:17:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Given to the courier to be delivered">DELIVERY</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered (to be confirmed)">COURIERDELIVERED</status>
<status eventstore="Saint-Petersburg branch" eventtime="2016-06-02 17:22:00" createtimegmt="2016-06-03 16:14:44" message="" title="Delivered">COMPLETE</status>
The function is searching for the last order among the orders of all customers by its number. It provides anonymized information on a current state of the order. <br />
The description of response containers is similar to the description of [[API#.D0.97.D0.B0.D0.BF.D1.80.D0.BE.D1.81_.D1.81.D1.82.D0.B0.D1.82.D1.83.D1.81.D0.B0_.D0.B7.D0.B0.D0.BA.D0.B0.D0.B7.D0.BE.D0.B2|Order status query]].
== Status change by agent ==
Order change status query allows finding out the final status of the order - "Delivered" or "Not delivered (Return/Cancellation)."
Besides that, date and time (in necessary) of status change as well as a type of message in "Information on delivery" field are set.
If necessary, images can be attached to the order information.
'''The example of a status change response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
<order ordercode="123456" date="2018-03-01" time="10:00" message="The customer has refused from the purchase"/>
<order ordercode="234567" date="2018-03-01" time="10:00" message="">
<image filename="filename1.jpg">/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAA0JCgsKCA0LCgsODg0PEyAVExISEy
'''The description of status response fields:'''
'''setorderinfo''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''order''' is order container. It is a mandatory element. A query may contain more than one '''order''' container. It has the following attributes:
:* '''''ordercode''''' is an internal code of an order.
:* '''''date''''' is status change date.
:* '''''time''''' is status change time.
:* '''''message''''' is message text.
*'''image''' is an attached image container. It contains image file text coded according to ''base64'' standard. '''order''' container may contain more than one '''image''' container. It has the following attribute:
:* '''''filename''''' is a file name.
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<order ordercode="123456" error="0" errormsg="OK" errormsgru="Successfully" />
<order ordercode="234567" error="59" errormsg="value [date_put] is already set" errormsgru="The value [Date of delivery] is already set" />
== Cancellation of order ==
Cancel request is intended to be used for cancellation of those orders about which no changes have been made - like delivery status, correspondence status and delivery time - in other words, those orders which are not being processed.
In case of order cancellation “Delivery information” field gets the value “Cancelled by the customer” and “Delivery date” field gets a current date.
'''The example of a query for order cancellation:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
<order orderno="" ordercode="123456" />
<order orderno="123aaa" ordercode="" />
'''The description of status query fields:'''
'''cancelorder''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''order''' is a cancelled order container. It is a mandatory element. A query may contain more than one '''order''' container. It has the following attributes:
:* '''''orderno''''' is order`s cipher.
:* '''''ordercode''''' is an internal code of the order.
Please, note that at least one of ''orderno'' or ''ordercode'' attributes should be specified!
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<order orderno="123test" ordercode="123456" error="0" errormsg="OK" errormsgru="Successfully" />
<order orderno="123aaa" ordercode="" error="52" errormsg="order not found" errormsgru="The order is not found" />
== City names list ==
'''The example of the city names list query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<city>Krasnodar Territory</city>
<fullname>Moscow city</fullname>
All elements inside townlist container can either be absent or combine. The search is not case-sensitive.
*'''codesearch''' is a search by codes. In case when it is used, conditions and limit containers will be ignored.
:* '''zipcode''' is a search by zip codes. Please, note that one zip code can be applicable to several localities. In this case the system will return several records.
:* '''kladrcode''' is a search by 13-digit codes of All-Russian Classifier of Addresses.
:* '''fiascode''' is a search by codes of Federal Information Address System (Address system used in Russia) (AOID).
:* '''code''' is a search by codes of the system.
*'''conditions''' specifies search criteria. All enclose elements simultaneously impose “AND” condition.
:* '''city''' is a search by all the localities of a region.
:* '''namecontains''' is a search of the localities which names contain a specified text.
:* '''namestarts''' is a search of the localities which names start from a specified text.
:* '''name''' is a search of the localities which names match a specified text.
:* '''fullname''' is a search of the localities which names and type match a specified text.
:* '''country''' is a search of the country with a specified zip code.
*'''limit''' limits result output.
:* '''limitfrom''' specifies the record number of a search result starting with which a response should be given. It equals 0 by default.
:* '''limitcount''' specifies the number of search result records which should be returned. It equals 10000 by default.
:* '''countall''' - YES indicates the necessity of counting the amount of matches found. It may slow down the process of query execution. In case it is disabled, totalcount and totalpages values won`t be indicated in the response.
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<townlist count="3" page="1" totalcount="3" totalpages="1">
<name>Krasnodar Territory</name>
<name>Sochi city</name>
<shortname>Sochi</shortname> (not yet supported)
<typename>city</typename> (not yet supported)
<name>Bryanskaya oblast</name>
<name>Sochilov farmstead</name>
<name>Pskov oblast</name>
<name>Sochikhino village</name>
In a response cities and towns are sorted by their popularity, importance (district centers, etc.) and only after that - alphabetically.
== Region names list ==
'''The example of the region names list query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fullname>Moscow region</fullname>
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<regionlist count="2">
<name>Agin-Buryat Autonomous Area</name>
<name>Republic of Adygea</name>
== Street names guide ==
'''The example of the city names list query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<town>Moscow city</town> // MANDATORY FIELD!
<namestarts>Academician K</namestarts>
<name>Academician Khokhlov</name>
<fullname>Academician Khokhlov Str.</fullname>
</streetlist >
*'''conditions''' specifies search criteria. All enclose elements simultaneously impose “AND” condition.
:* '''town''' is a mandatory field. It`s the name or the code of a locality.
:* '''namecontains''' is a search of the localities which names contain a specified text.
:* '''namestarts''' is a search of the localities which names start from a specified text.
:* '''name''' is a search of the localities which names match a specified text.
:* '''fullname''' is a search of the localities which names and type match a specified text.
*'''limit''' limits result output.
:* '''limitfrom''' specifies the record number of a search result starting with which a response should be given. It equals 0 by default.
:* '''limitcount''' specifies the number of search result records which should be returned. It equals 10000 by default.
:* '''countall''' - YES indicates the necessity of counting the amount of matches found. It may slow down the process of query execution. In case it is disabled, totalcount and totalpages values won`t be indicated in the response.
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<streetlist count="1" page="1" totalcount="3" totalpages="1">
<name>Academician Khokhlov Str.</name>
<shortname>Academician Khokhlov</shortname>
In a response names of the streets are sorted in alphabetical order.
== Nomenclature list ==
'''The example of the nomenclature list query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
<namecontains>TV set</namecontains>
<name>Sony KDL-55W905 LCD television</name>
All elements inside itemlist container can either be absent or combine. The search is not case-sensitive.
*'''codesearch''' is a search by codes. In case when it is used, conditions and limit containers will be ignored.
:* '''code''' is a search by codes of the system.
:* '''article''' is a search by article numbers.
:* '''barcode''' is a search by barcodes.
*'''conditions''' specifies search criteria. All enclose elements simultaneously impose “AND” condition.
:* '''namecontains''' is a search of the goods which names contain a specified text.
:* '''namestarts''' is a search of the goods which names start from a specified text.
:* '''name''' is a search of the goods which names match a specified text.
:* '''quantity''' is the availability of goods at the warehouse. It can have the following values: EXISTING_ONLY - only in stock, NOT_EXISTING_ONLY - only stock out, ALL - all. ''In some setups this field may be unavailable.''
*'''limit''' limits result output.
:* '''limitfrom''' specifies the record number of a search result starting with which a response should be given.
:* '''limitcount''' specifies the number of search result records which should be returned.
'''The example of a response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<itemlist count="3" totalcount="3" page="1" totalpages="1">
<name>Sony KDL-55W905 LCD television</name>
<CountryOfOrigin>Malaysia</CountryOfOrigin> (not yet supported)
<Message>A good TV set</Message>
<Message2>Another good TV set</Message2>
'''The description of fields:'''
*'''code''' is an internal identifier assigned by the system.
*'''article''' is an article assigned by a customer (a supplier).
*'''barcode''' is a manufacturer`s barcode.
*'''name''' is an item name.
*'''retprice''' is a retail price value by default. When ordering the price which is mentioned in the order is used.
*'''weight''' is weight in kilograms.
*'''length''' is length in centimeters.
*'''width''' is width in centimeters.
*'''height''' is height in centimeters.
*'''CountInPallet''' is the number of pieces in a pallet.
*'''HasSerials''' requires serial numbers accounting. It takes on the following values: 1 - yes, 0 - no.
*'''CountryOfOrigin''' is the name of a country of origin in Russian.
*'''Message''' is a commentary.
*'''Message2''' is an additional commentary.
*'''quantity''' is the number of goods in stock. Those goods that have already been batched into orders are not included in this number and considered to depart the depository for goods. ''This field may be unavailable in some setups.''
*'''reserved''' is the number of goods reserved. It may outnumber stock balance if customers are waiting for the next delivery. ''This field may be unavailable in some setups.''
== The list of pick-up points ==
'''The example of a pick-points query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth>
<town>Nizhniy Tagil</town>
*'''town''' is a receiver`s residence.
'''The example of a response from the list of pick-up points:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<pvzlist count="2">
<name>Nizhniy Tagil</name>
<address>622036, 17 Tsiolkovsky Str., Nizhniy Tagil city</address>
<phone>+73435417709, +73435254989</phone>
<comment>5-storeyed apartment building with its end wall beside the highway, the second building from Parkhomenko-Tsiolkovsky street intersection.</comment>
<name>At Krasnoarmeyskaya Street</name>
<address>79 KRASNOARMEYSKAYA STR.</address>
<comment>Working hours: from Monday through Friday, from 9 a. m. till 6 p. m., on Saturday - from 10 a. m. till 2 p. m.</comment>
*'''code''' is a code of a pick-up point in the system. It is used in an [[API#Ordering|ordering]] query.
*'''clientcode''' is a code of a pick-up point used by a contracting company.
*'''name''' is a name of a pick-up point.
*'''address''' is a pick-up point`s address.
*'''phone''' are pick-up point phone numbers.
*'''comment''' is additional information.
== The list of types of priority ==
'''The example of a type of priority query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8"/>
'''The example of a response from the list of types of priority:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<services count="2">
== Delivery cost calculation ==
'''The example of a delivery cost query:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
<calc townfrom="Moscow" townto="3800000300000" mass="3.7" service="1" />
*'''townfrom''' is a sending town.
*'''townto''' is a receiving town.
*'''mass''' is weight in kilograms.
*'''service''' is a delivery mode - a number indicating the entry in the list of [The list of types of priority|types of priority]
In authorization login and pass parameters can be omitted, then calculation will be made according to a standard tariff rate of a delivery service with no account of possible differences for a certain customer. <br>
The name of a town (not recommended!), or its code from our list, or its 13-digit code of All-Russian Classifier of Addresses (Address Classifier used in Russia), or its 36-digit code of the Federal Information Address System (AOID) can be entered into the fields for a sending town and a receiving town.
'''The example of a cost of delivery response:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<townfrom code="1">Moscow city</townfrom>
<townto code="56603">Irkutsk city</townto>
*'''townfrom''' is a sending town name which has been recognized and assigned to the list of towns by the system. '''code''' attribute is a code from the list of towns in the system.
*'''townto''' is a receiving town name which has been recognized and assigned to the list of towns by the system. '''code''' attribute is a code from the list of towns in the system.
*'''mass''' is weight in kilograms.
*'''service''' is a delivery mode - a number indicating the entry in the list of [The list of types of priority|types of priority]
*'''service''' is a delivery mode - the number indicating a certain entry in the list of types of priority (See the description on this page).
*'''zone''' is the number of a tariff zone according to which the price has been calculated. The tariff schedule is selected depending on the tariff zone. Multiplying or decreasing coefficients can be applied to the price of delivery in case of order delivery not from/to a regional center.
*'''price''' is a calculated delivery price in the currency of a delivery service`s price-list. It is recommended to be used rather than its homonymous attribute of the parent container.
*'''maxdeliverydays''' is the maximum delivery period in business days.
== The list of money transference certificates ==
'''The example of the query for the list of money transference certificates:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
'''smalist''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''datefrom''' is a date “from”. It is an optional element.
*'''dateto''' is a date “to”. It is an optional element.
If the date range is not specified, then money transference certificates for the last month are returned.
'''The example of a response to the query for the list of money transference certificates:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<smalist count="1">
*'''code''' is a code of a money transference certificate.
*'''number''' is the number of a money transference certificate in the system.
*'''actdate''' is a date of a money transference certificate.
*'''datepay''' is a date of payment on a money transference certificate.
*'''price''' is a price of services.
*'''rur''' is a price of an order.
*'''pricekur''' is a price of courier delivery.
*'''priceag''' is agent`s commission.
*'''payno''' is a number of a payment order.
*'''paytype''' is a type of payment: 1- non-cash payment, 2 - paying a courier in cash, 3 - paying cash at the office, 4 - wire transfer.
== Detailing of money transference certificates ==
'''The examples of the query for money transference certificates detailing:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass" />
'''smadetail''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''auth''' is authorization. It is a mandatory element.
*'''code''' is a code of a money transference certificate (See the query of the list of money transference certificates). It is a mandatory element.
'''The example of a response to the query of money transference certificates:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<smadetail count="1">
<paytype>Cash on delivery</paytype>
<paytype>Cash on delivery</paytype>
*'''code''' is a code of the record.
*'''addresscode''' is a code of the order.
*'''price''' is a price of service
*'''rur''' is the amount of the order.
*'''pricekur''' is a price of courier delivery.
*'''priceag''' is agent`s commission.
*'''pricecalc''' is the amount to be transferred to the agent.
*'''paytype''' is a type of payment: 1- non-cash payment, 2 - paying a courier in cash, 3 - paying cash at the office, 4 - wire transfer.
*'''status''' is a status of the order.
== Generation of short links ==
In some cases, for instance, when using them in SMS, the use of short links to member area may be required.
For doing that it is necessary to send a query containing a full link to which a response containing a hash code for a short link will be sent.
'''The example of a query for short links generation:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<link short="0">https://home.courierexe.ru/8/site/orders</link>
'''shortlink''' is a root container. It is a mandatory element.
*'''link''' is a full link for generation of which a code should be obtained. It is a mandatory element. If '''short''' attribute equals 1, then a response won`t contain XML but only a hash code.
'''The example of a response to the query for short links generation:'''
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
*'''hash''' is a hash code of a short link.
Further on the following link to member area can be used: