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API Documentation

326 байт убрано, 14:45, 27 апреля 2022
Account for Integration
== Account for Integration ==
Use the following credentialsYou can access your client account at: <source lang=xml><auth extra="8" login="login" pass="pass"></auth></source> Parameter description:* Extra client '''extra''' — extra code. This is , a digital code, company`s unique identifier. Request this parameter from of the courier service you are integrating with. You can see this code in MeaSoft desktop interface by using its main menu * '''Reference''' > '''Additional Moduleslogin'''. Extra code is given in the second hyperlink (it is marked with an asterisk on the screenshot below): [[File:extra1.png|750px|none]]* Login. It is a user name for the client account and API. Courier service creates login in the client card on the '* ''Other'pass'' tab in the '''User name''' field. You will probably have to create a new client card (shown on the screenshot below) in MeaSoft software.* Password. It is a password for the client account and API. Courier  Request the credentials from the courier service you are integrating with. The courier service creates gives you a temporary password in the . For security purposes, change it using your client card on the '''Other''' tab in the '''Password''' fieldaccount.
== General Terms ==
