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API Documentation

588 байт добавлено, 23 апрель
Response Examples
'''Fields Description'''
*'''neworder''' — root container, required.
:* '''''width''''' — package width in cm.
:* '''''height''''' — package height in cm.
:* '''''quantity''''' — number of packages with the specified dimensions and mass. Total number of packages in the order cannot be more than 5001000.
* '''deliveryset''' — custom delivery rate setup. It has the following attributes:
* '''arrival''' — scheduled delivery date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
* '''outstrbarcode''' — service partner system code (in an external system). It is used for integration with external systems.
* '''partner''' — current branch or service partner.
* '''return_message''' — return information.
* '''department''' — the order creator's department.
# If an order is being edited via API and in MeaSoft desktop application at the same time, only the changes made in the desktop applications are applied.
Planned courier might be canceled utomatically once an order is edited. It depends on the value set in '''References''' > '''Variables''' > '''Shipments''' > '''Automatically assign courier by area''':
* '''No''' — courier is not changed on editing orders via API.
* '''Area''' — courier is canceled on changing delivery address.
* '''Area or delivery date''' — courier is canceled on changing delivery address or delivery date.
=== Edit Request Fields ===
<package mass="1" quantity="5"></package>
<package mass="2.5" length="10" width="20" height="30"></package>
Parameters are the same as described in [[#Creating Order|Creating Order]].
'''Fields Description'''
